Change registration form and lesson register name

This process can be completed for any of your existing registration forms at any time. However:

During the New School Year Setup process, you copy over the registration forms you will have the next academic year. You just need to copy over the number of registration forms you will have, and make sure each one is attached to the right year group.

Don’t worry if your registration forms will have different names next year - we'll show you how to amend or rename the name in this article. We'll also show you how to rename your registration form session registers after the registration form has been renamed.

Step 1 - Change the name of the registration form

Go to Students > Enrolment > Registration Forms and change the academic year drop-down to next year.

Click into the form to change the name for.



Click into the name field, make the name change then click Save Changes.



Step 2 - Change the name of the lesson registers

If you've changed the names of your registration forms, you'll need to change the name of your lesson registers as these will not automatically change.

Return to Students > Enrolment but select Academic > Courses > Overview in the left-hand menu. Change the academic year drop-down to next year and click into the form to change the name for.

Click into the name field, make the name change then click Save Changes.

You can then check the registers have the right name. Go to Students > Attendance > Registers By Date. Change the date to a date in September when attendance will be taken. You should see that the name of the register has changed to the new registration form name.


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