How do we migrate Business Roles from SIMS?

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Arbor uses Business Roles to manage what staff have access to. Each Business Role contains pre-defined permissions to enable them to do what they need to do, while limiting access to what they need. You can learn more about Business Roles and Permissions here: What are Business Roles and Permissions?

Please note the following can vary for a GroupCall API migrator, we are working on adding the GroupCall Migrator specifications to this guide. If you need to raise any data discrepancies post migration please contact Arbor support or your dedicated partner and we will be advised of the next steps.

Migrating Business Roles

SIMS and Arbor manage access differently, so we can't directly map Business Roles from SIMS. Instead, our migrator uses the below rules to information we use to decide the Business Roles staff will have. You can use these to update SIMS before migration to make sure staff come across with the correct Business Roles. 

Current contracts

If there is a current contract, we will take the name of the Role within the contract. This is then mapped to the closest Business Role we have in Arbor, and that role is assigned to the staff member.

We also use contract details to determine the dates of the Business Roles:

  • If the staff contract has an end date, this will be used as the Business Role end date.
  • If there is no contract, we'll check the Employment Details. If there is a date there, we will use that as the Business Role end date.
  • If both areas have no end date, the staff member will have a current ongoing Business Role.

Ended or no contracts

If the latest staff contract has an end date, the Business Role will show as having ended.

If there is no contract, we can use data from the Employment Details and Professional Details areas of SIMS, but will only be able to distinguish between teachers, teaching assistants and non-teaching staff.

  • If they are a teacher, have a QTS route set or have Qualified Teacher Status (except where their status is set to Non-Teaching), we give them a contract and Business Role as a Teacher.
  • If HLTA is ticked, we give them a contract and Business Role as a Higher Level Teaching Assistant.
  • If TA is ticked, we give them a contract and Business Role as a Teaching Assistant.
  • If none of the above are true but they have a Qualified Teacher Status of Non-Teaching, we create a contract with the role of Support Staff and assign the Business Role of Administrative Assistant.

For other cases, a staff profile will be created with no contract or business role. This will mean they don't appear in your staff lists: The current staff list has missing staff

Making sure business roles migrate correctly

  • We recommend that all current staff have a contract with a position role in SIMS.
  • As soon as your first dummy site is available, download the Permissions for Business Role spreadsheet (this can be found by going to School > Users & Security and clicking the orange download button).
  • Check that staff can access the relevant areas of the system in the dummy site and if not, add the relevant business role or ad-hoc permission to allow access.
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