Data protection guidelines for communications

In Arbor, you can save a draft communication (email, SMS, letter or in-app message) for you to return to and send at a later time. We recommend you only work on one communication draft in a single tab at a time.

What can happen if I work on multiple drafts at once?

If you work on two separate communications e.g. emails across two browser tabs, this can result in both emails becoming tied to the same draft. When this happens, these things can happen:

  1. The first email to be sent out will be sent correctly to all specified recipients.
  2. When the second email is sent, this will overwrite the message body, recipients and subject of the first email within Arbor, but the email will not actually be sent out.
  3. This results in a discrepancy between the apparent content of the email and the desired recipients.

When this occurs, complex work has to be carried out by Arbor's engineers to untangle the merged emails. We highly recommend only working on one draft at a time, to avoid instances of this occurring.

Attachments and Email Drafts

If you are working on an email and attach a file, then leave the mail merge email page, the attachment will not be removed from the draft.

If you no longer require the file to be attached, please ensure you either use the bin icon next to the attachment or press the Discard Draft button to delete the draft and be directed to your list of drafts. 

You can read more about drafts here.

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