Approving marks in Arbor Report Cards and locking summative assessment marksheets

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When creating Report Cards, you'll see there is the ability to mark a report card as approved. Marking Report Cards as approved:

  • Acts as a check that the data has been input correctly
  • Tells the admin team that the data has been completed at-a-glance
  • Locks the summative marksheet to prevent further editing of the marks



  • School: Report Card: Administer - approve marks within report cards and edit report cards
  • School: Assessments: Administer or Student: Assessments: Administer - approve marks in bulk 

If you don't have the permission, you'll need to ask your admin team to give you permission using these instructions.


Do we have to approve report cards?

This feature is optional for schools to use. Even if the report card has not been marked as approved, you can still download it or share it with guardians once you are happy with the data contained.


What marks can be approved and locked

The only marks that can be approved (and locked) using the processes below are assessment marks for the assessment periods for:

  • ad hoc assessments
  • summative assessments

Top Tip: If the Date range applied in the Attainment tab of your Report Card spans two assessment periods, only the most recent marks will be locked.

These items cannot be approved or locked:

  • summative assessment targets
  • summative assessment baselines
  • summative assessment predicted marks
  • formative curriculum assessment marks


Approving report cards and assessment marks

You can choose to either approve the report cards in bulk or approve the assessments marks.

Approving report cards in bulk

Go to Students > Report Cards and select the report card. Just go to the Report Cards tab, tick the students, then click the Bulk action button to select Set/Unset Approved.




The marks will then lock and report cards will be marked as approved in just a few minutes.



Approving summative assessment marks in bulk (cannot be used for ad-hoc assessments)

Go to Students > Assessments > Summative Tracking and make sure your filters are set to display the right time period and assessments.

Tick the boxes next to the assessments to select, then click Bulk action button to choose Set/Unset Approved Marks.



In the slide over, choose Set Approved, then click Save Changes.


Approving summative assessment marks from the marksheet (cannot be used for ad-hoc assessments)

Go to Students > Assessments > Summative Tracking and click on the assessment that you would like to approve the marks for. Select Marksheet in the slide over.

Tick the top tick box to the left of the student names, then click the Bulk action button and choose Set/Unset Approved. Choose Set Approved from the Set/Unset drop-down, then click Save Changes

Screenshot 2023-11-03 at 16.27.08.png 

Approving individual assessments from the report card

Go to Students > Report Cards, and click into the report card. Click into a student's name in the list there and choose Edit/Review on the slide over. 

Scroll down to the Ad Hoc section and tick the Approved and Completed checkboxes. Click Save ChangesYou can also click the Mark Card as Approved button at the top of the page.




Teachers can't edit marks - how can we undo the approval?

If report cards have been approved, you'll need to set them as unapproved for teachers to be able to edit the marks.

Unset report cards as approved in bulk

Go to Students > Report Cards and select the report card. Just go to the Report Cards tab, tick the students, then click the Bulk action button to select Set/Unset Approved.




The marks will then unlock and report cards will be marked as not approved in just a few minutes.



Unset as approved for multiple assessments

Go to Students > Assessments > Summative Tracking and make sure your filters are set to display the right time period and assessments.

Tick the boxes next to the assessments to select, then click the Bulk action button to choose Set/Unset Approved Marks.



In the slide over, choose Unset Approved, then click Save Changes.


Unset as approved for one assessment

Go to Students > Assessments > Summative Tracking and click on the assessment that you would like to change. Select Marksheet in the slide over.

Tick the top tick box to the left of the student names, then click the Bulk action button and choose Set/Unset Approved.

Screenshot 2023-11-03 at 16.27.08.png

Select Unset Approved to unlock the marksheet for the selected students if more data needs to be input.


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I'm still stuck!


  • Hi

    Can you please clarify for me?

    Is there no way to lock ad hoc data?



  • Hi Karen, you can use the instructions in the Approving summative assessment marks in bulk for Ad Hoc assessments.

  • Hi Gwen

    I have followed all of the instructions I can find but our Ad Hoc assessments are still not locked for editing. Can you please explain for me?


  • Hi Karen, please contact our support team if you require more help. Without taking a look at your site, we aren't able to diagnose any issues.


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