What are the different Report Card format types?

When creating a Report Card on Arbor you will be given the option to select different from 4 types of report cards:

  • Arbor Standard Report
  • Arbor Long Report
  • External Report Card
  • Custom Report Card

The type of report you select will show in the General Settings of your report card setup. Please note that the type of report cannot be changed once it has been set up. 

Standard Report

You can see how to set these up here: Set up an Arbor Report Card



The Standard Report Card is in landscape and can go across several pages depending on the amount of content. 



Long Report

You can see how to set these up here: Set up an Arbor Report Card

The Long Report Card is in portrait mode with a front cover and the subjects and their comments listed on the second page and onwards. 



External Report Card

Use our External Report Cards feature to upload and send out bespoke custom report cards you've set up in an external system, such as in Microsoft Word.

You can see how to set these up here: Import and send out External Report Cards

match to student.png


Custom Report Card

Custom Report Cards enable you to create a bespoke format for your report cards. It includes the ability to edit layouts and text using a HTML editor, and include custom merge fields from a report in the Custom Report Writer to pull in almost any data you like.

You can see how to set these up here: Set up a Custom Report Card

example custom report editor.png

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