Why are detentions not being allocated correctly?

Students are not being assigned

Your school can set up incident workflows to decide what happens when a student should have detention. In the setup, you can choose to have:

  • automatically assigned detentions - logging an incident will automatically add them to an upcoming detention
  • detentions assigned by staff - when a particular level of behaviour is logged, you can select the detention session in the second step when logging the incident
  • no detention assigned - you'll need to go to the Unallocated Detentions tab on the Students > Behaviour > Detentions page to assign the students to specific detention slots.

If you want detentions to be assigned, make sure you have either one of the automatic options enabled, or staff know to manually assign students.

If you have the above set up but students are still not being assigned, check your scheduled detention sessions, as students can't be added to sessions that aren't timetabled: I can't add students to a detention session



Students are being assigned to the wrong session

Check your room capacity

If you’ve given the room a maximum capacity, students assigned to a full detention session are added to the next available session of the same type instead. You can see how this works here: Adding students to detentions with a room capacity

Check if students already have a detention

If the student is already allocated to that detention, the student will have been allocated to the next session instead. When the student is given an incident that needs to allocate the student into another detention, they can't be put in the same detention twice. So Arbor will put them in the next session they are not already in.

Check when the incident was logged

If the incident was logged when the detention session had already started, the student will have been allocated to the next session instead. Students cannot be automatically added to a detention session in progress, so Arbor will put them in the next session.

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