Stop past clubs that have ended appearing on the Parent Portal

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If you have clubs that are no longer running but still showing on the parent portal, you can follow these steps to remove them.

Please note that this process can only be completed for students who are not already signed up. Any students that are already signed up for a past session will still be able to click into the past club.




You'll need the Extra Curricular: Administer permission to edit a club. If you don't have the permission, you'll need to ask your admin team to give you permission using these instructions.


Head to School > Activities > Clubs. Click into the club in question. Scroll down to the Membership Periods section, and click on the membership period.

Click on the orange Edit button in the slide over. Add a Sign Up Closes date that is in the past. Click on the green Save Changes button.

Repeat these steps for any other Membership Periods and clubs.


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