My Homepage will show you everything that’s going on with your schools at a glance including live attendance, behaviour and attainment stats and quick links to other areas.
The top menus and site links
At the top left, you'll see your Trust’s logo. Clicking on the logo will bring you back to the main dashboard, regardless of where you are on the system.
The menu options at the top of the dashboard load different areas of the system:
- My Items - Here you have access to your account data.
- Analytics - In this section, you will find all the areas for analysing your schools' data.
- Administration - In this section, you will find all the areas for configuring your setup.
- Institutions - Here you can see information about your schools, and log into school sites.
- Group Staff (Staff on LA sites)- Manage your group staff's HR details and profiles.
On the left side of the screen you'll see links to other areas:
- Home - Click this button from any page of the site to return to the Homepage
- Favourites - Save any page for quick access from the left side of the screen
- My Calendar - Click this button to see any events saved in your calendar
- Help & Learn with Arbor - Click this button to access either the Arbor Help Centre, Arbor Training Hub, or Arbor HQ
- Sign out - You can sign out of Arbor by clicking the link next to your name.
If you see a lot of notifications you can clear these by going to My Items > My Account and clicking the green Clear Notifications button.
Personalise your Arbor homepage with the Favourites menu. You can bookmark the pages you use most often, so you can get to them quickly and easily every day. Plus, rename your favourited pages to make them more relevant to you.
This works in the same way as on school MIS, so take a look at our guidance here for further tips: Custom Favourites on My Homepage
For MAT users, you'll have one list of Favourites on MAT MIS, and if you are able to log into the School MIS from the MAT MIS, another set of customisable favourites on the School site.
On the MAT MIS, you'll have this list of default Favourites:
- Create new mail merge email
- Go to Custom Report Writer
- Log in to your schools MIS
- View my schools
- View the clusters list
Key performance indicators (KPIs)
You can view the figures across your whole MAT/LA MIS, or for just the schools you are associated with for:
- Attendance - Two figures, for statutory present attendance, and persistent attendees this year compared to last year. Top Tip: Looking for Statutory attendance excluding students who are guests or not 5-15? See the Attendance reporting area.
- Behaviour - Two figures, show the number of suspensions, and permanent exclusions this academic year.
- Attainment - Two figures for each Key Stage which provide an overview of students' attainment. If you don’t use Assessments in Arbor, these fields will be blank. These figures show the percentage of students (who were enrolled at any point during the current academic year) who are at or above, or below their targets in Reading, Writing and Maths summative assessments. Blank marks and not required marks are not included in the calculations.
How does the colour-coding work?
Figures for the previous year are coloured blue.
For the figures for this year, the thresholds for the colours aren't based on statutory guidance, but can be used to highlight changes. We recommend focussing on the actual numbers for your reporting.
For example, for attendance:
- Below 80% - Orange
- 80% and above but below 90% - Yellow
- 90% and above but below 95% - Green
- 95% and above - Dark green
Please note that it is not possible to amend the colour-coding thresholds. However, you may want to add your own custom Attendance Thresholds: Attendance Threshold analysis on the MAT MIS
Filtering by school
You can view the figures across your whole MAT/LA MIS, or for just the schools you are associated with.
To look at specific schools or clusters, add them to the filter, then click Apply filter.
Drill down into your KPIs
Hover over a KPI to view more details, or click any KPI to see further breakdowns.
When clicking into the Attendance KPIs, you'll see the ability to group your results in different ways.
You can also see national average statistics taken live from attendance marks across all Arbor schools for the current academic year.
- Which lines will show will be based on your schools' phases: Primary, Secondary or Special.
- If you have more than one, they will be off by default - tick the box to show them.
Top Tip: All throughs contribute to both Primary and Secondary averages.
Go to the Students tab for a breakdown by individual student. Select a student to jump to their profile on the school's site (if you're able to log into that school).
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