Analyse aggregate data on the MAT MIS

This article explains how to analyze aggregate data on the MAT MIS, focusing on attendance, behavior, and assessment metrics. It details the use of filters for specific schools, the homepage overview, and various analytics options available for deeper insights. Users can drill down into data for individual students and generate custom reports for attendance and assessments.

This article will go through a few key places where you can view aggregate analysis for attendance, behaviour and assessment. To report more in-depth, you can use the Custom Report Writer.

How do the filters work?

On each main analysis page, you can view the figures across your whole MAT MIS, or for just the schools you are associated with.

To look at specific schools or clusters, add them to the filter, then click Apply filter.



My Homepage

On your homepage, you will see your group average calculation for each headline measure.

For more information on what is shown, see here: My Homepage on the MAT MIS




You can access a variety of Key Performance Indicators that show data from all parts of your MAT MIS by clicking the Analytics drop-down menu and selecting Group Context, Attendance, Behaviour, Assessment, or Staff/HR.

You can see further details of the Staff HR area here.

In these pages, you will see a reminder if not all of your schools have shared their data with you. It is important to set up your data sharing agreements to ensure the data shown in your infographics is an accurate representation of all your schools. You can see how to set this up here



Hover over an KPI (Key Performance Indicator) to view more information.



You can click on each infographic to view a more detailed breakdown of a variety of groups' data. 



Click 'Monthly trend' or 'Year on Year' to see your progress over time.

For Monthly trends, enrolment figures are taken from the last day of the month - if the month has not ended the figure will be for today.

For Year on Year trends, the figures are from the last day of previous academic years or today for the current year.




Drill down into your behaviour data for suspensions, permanent exclusions and positive and negative incidents all the way from MAT-wide averages, through your data split by school or demographic, all the way down to individual pupils.

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Identify which students are affecting your averages and view their behaviour, then jump directly to their student profile on the School site (you'll need to have permission to log into a school site).




Drill down into your attendance data all the way from MAT-wide averages, through your data split by school or demographic, all the way down to individual pupils.

Identify which students are affecting your averages and view their attendance, then jump directly to their student profile on the School site (you'll need to have permission to log into a school site) or send emails.

Drilling down into Attendance on the MAT MIS

Go to Analytics > Attendance to see your measures:

  • Whole school attendance - a percentage statistic for present, counting all the students at your schools no matter their age or if they are guest students
  • Persistent Absentees - called DfE because this is set based on the DfE's definition of persistently absent for the year to date
  • Statutory Attendance - a percentage statistic for present, only counting students who are statutory school age who are not guest students. 
  • Statutory authorised absent, unauthorised absent, late - a percentage statistic for authorised absence, unauthorised absence and late. Please note that despite the name, this measure includes all the students at your school no matter their age or if they are guest students

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Click into a measure to drill down. Display your data by chart, a table of year on year trends or a list of students. Use the drop-down menu to group your data by Cluster, Demographic, Ethnicity or Year Group.



You can also see national average statistics when drilling down into your Whole school attendance, Statutory authorised absent and Statutory unauthorised absent KPIs. These are taken live from attendance marks across all Arbor schools for the current academic year.

  • Which lines will show will be based on your schools' phases: Primary, Secondary or Special.
  • If you have more than one, they will be off by default - tick the box to show them.

Top Tip: All throughs contribute to both Primary and Secondary averages.

live national stats.png


Top Tip: On the students tab, click the column headers to sort the students highest > lowest or lowest > highest attendance to identify which students are impacting your averages.

Select a student to jump to their profile on the school's site (if you're able to log into that school).


How do we calculate Attendance on the MAT MIS?

What is included in:

  • Today's figures - The attendance figures take into account all students who are scheduled to be in school that day (due to lessons set up on their timetable)
  • This Year and Last Year figuresThese figures include all students who have a valid attendance mark at any of the schools in the trust for the Academic Year

We count:

  • All statistically present marks - the calculation takes the number of AM and PM roll call sessions, divided by the number of possible attendance sessions for all students in the cohort expressed as a weighted average.
  • Guest Students (for measures apart from Statutory attendance)
  • Non-compulsory school age children (for measures apart from Statutory attendance and Persistent Absentees DfE)

We do not include:

  • Dual-registered students marked with a D
  • Students who aren't currently enrolled
  • Students who have never had an attendance mark recorded

The overall attendance calculation is a weighted average across all schools, so it takes into account the number of students in each school, and attendance records for each school. This means schools with a large student enrolment are weighted higher than schools with a smaller student enrolment.


Creating a monthly attendance report in the Custom Report Writer

Go to Analytics > Custom Report Writer and click Create New Report.

Select our Attendance By Year Group (YTD) report then click Create report from template.



In step 2 click Next to report on the whole year.



In step 3 click Skip Setup Wizard, then click Save & View Report.




Want to make changes to report, such as seeing an average for each school? Click the Edit button and remove the existing Year Group grouping.



Add in the new grouping and click Add Grouping. You may also wish to delete this column from your displayed columns (so it doesn't show twice) and edit the name of your report before you click the Save & View Report button again.






You can analyse your summative assessments of the same type across your schools from Analytics > Assessment > Analysis. See more details here: Analysing assessments on the MAT MIS



In Analytics > Assessment > Attainment & Progress > Choose Key Stage you can view breakdowns of your assessment data, and drill down into DfE statutory data for the Phonics Screening Check, Multiplication Tables Check and End of KS1, End of KS2 or EYFS.

See more details here: Viewing your schools' DfE Standardised assessment results on the MAT MIS



Group Context

The KPIs in the Analytics > Group Context area show you some contextual measures about pupils within your trust.

Every KPI takes data from each school as it stands today. For example, Total Number of Pupils on Roll Today matches the total for the whole MAT and will match the number of student on roll today on the School MIS homepage.



For Monthly trends, enrolment figures are taken from the last day of the month - if the month has not ended the figure will be for today.



For Year on Year trends, the figures are from the last day of previous academic years or today for the current year.


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