Can we use the first attendance mark recorded rather than the best mark?

What is the 'best mark'?

Roll Call marks are by default derived from the 'best attendance marks' taken between the school’s AM or PM roll call times. Lessons must be scheduled within Roll Call times for the attendance marks to be used in the 'best mark' calculation.

You can see more information on how this works here, or see the hierarchy of which attendance marks are taken as the 'best mark' here.

Please note that certain registers, such as clubs, do not contribute towards your Roll Call attendance: Which events contribute towards statutory attendance?

What is the 'first mark' option?

When the 'first mark' option is on, the first mark that is recorded for the student during the Roll Call time is used as the statutory roll call attendance mark, rather than the 'best mark'.

In the examples below, my school's Roll Call time is set to overlap with Registration and Lesson 1.

Example 1

A student is marked as Late in Registration but Present in Lesson 1.

  • Using 'best mark', the student would have a statutory roll call mark of Present. The student is statistically present.
  • Using 'first mark', the student would have a statutory roll call mark of Late. The student is statistically present.

Example 2

A student is marked as N (Absent) in Registration but Present in Lesson 1.

  • Using 'best mark', the student would have a statutory roll call mark of Present. The student is statistically present.
  • Using 'first mark', the student would have a statutory roll call mark of N (Absent). The student is statistically absent, and this mark would need to be followed up with.

Example 3

A student is marked as X (Non-statutory school age absence or covid-related absence) in Registration but N (Absent) in Lesson 1.

  • Using 'best mark', the student would have a statutory roll call mark of N (Absent). This would count towards their attendance figures.
  • Using 'first mark', the student would have a statutory roll call mark of X (Non-statutory school age absence or covid-related absence). This would not count towards their attendance figures.

Example 4

A student is marked as N (Absent) in Registration and in Lesson 1. However, they also are marked Present in an Intervention that starts at the same time as Registration.

In this example, both the 'best mark' and 'first mark' options will mark the student as Present.

Will switching this on recalculate statutory attendance?

No, this setting will only apply to your attendance moving forwards. Any roll call statutory attendance marks from before the switch will not be changed.

Can we have it on for different student groups?

This setting applies to your whole school, it isn't possible to have it on for some students, and off for other year groups or key stages.

How do we switch on the 'first mark' option?

Contact the Arbor Support Team if supported by Arbor, or your Support Partner if not supported by Arbor with confirmation from your data manager and we will change this for you.

We may ask you some questions to double-check that switching this on is right for your school.

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