- Welsh attendance codes and how they count towards statutory attendance
- Inputting marks from paper registers into Arbor
- Approving or rejecting absence requests made in the Parent Portal or Arbor App
- Attendance videos
- Introduction to Arbor - Guide for new Attendance Officers
- Migrated registers showing in Incomplete Registers
- First attendance mark recorded rather than the best mark?
- Lesson settings - roll call, student context, restricting attendance marks and past attendance in registers
- Adding or editing Roll Call times
- Where can I find printable registers?
- Attendance codes and how they count towards statutory attendance
- Removing all attendance marks for a student
- Seeing today's AM or PM registers on the Daily Attendance dashboard
- Seeing all registers on a certain date
- Printing an Emergency Evacuation Register
- Adding and viewing Planned Absences and future pre-fill marks
- How a member of the Admin team can take attendance
- Recording the school as closed for a day
- Giving permission for other staff or teaching assistants to take attendance registers
- Completing incomplete or unopened attendance registers
- Editing attendance marks migrated from your old MIS and adding missing marks
- Find and add missing or blank attendance marks
- How do I fix a validation error in the register?
- What attendance mark to use when a student is present in school but absent from their lesson
- Best practice for recording Partial Absences when students leave lesson early
- Bulk editing attendance marks
- See and edit Roll Call statutory attendance marks
- Report to find Unexplained Absences (N codes)
- Following up on absences with guardians (N codes or any other marks)
- Remove extra redundant attendance marks after removing students from a class or your school