Email isn't being sent, or is sent to the wrong email address

This article explains how to resolve issues with emails being sent to the wrong address, focusing on email formatting, permissions for editing email addresses, and the importance of setting the correct default email address. It provides instructions for staff and students on how to change their own or others' email addresses in Arbor.

There are two reasons why emails might be being sent to the wrong email address:

  • The formatting of the email address
  • The 'type' that an email address is recorded as e.g. Work or Personal.


  • Staff: Contact Details: Administer - Edit email addresses for other staff
  • Student profile: Contact Details: Administer All Students - Edit email addresses for students
  • Student profile: Guardians: Administer All Students - Edit email addresses for guardians

If you don't have permission, you'll need to ask your admin team to give you permission using these instructions.

Format of email addresses in Gmail

If the user has a Gmail email address, please note this will ignore any dot, full stop or period in the email address. and is the same email address in Gmail.

As this is a Gmail feature, we are unable to resolve this at Arbor.

You can see further details on Google's help site here: Dots don't matter in Gmail addresses

Updating email addresses

We recommend making sure that the user's default email address is down as a Work email address. This is because:

  • The Work email address becomes their Username.
  • Emails are sent to the default email address.

If these are not the same, a person won't be able to receive their reset password email to the right email address. You'll need to change the email address in Arbor if communications are being sent to the wrong email address.

Changing your own email address

All staff can change their own email address by following these instructions once they are logged inChanging my Arbor account details, password and email address

If you're haven't been able to log in, you may be trying to reset your password by clicking the First time logging in? or Forgot your password? links on the login page.

Because you aren't able to log in to change your email address, you'll need to contact an administrator in your school to amend your email address for you using the instructions below.

Changing someone else's email address

Go to their profile and scroll down to the Contact details section.

If the user doesn't have an email address, you'll need to add it by clicking +Add.

  • Type - This defaults to Work but you can change this if needed. Work email addresses will default as the user's Username.
  • Email address - Add their email address here.
  • Default address - Emails are only sent to the email address marked as the default. This field won't appear if this is the first email address you're adding for the user, as if there is only one email address this one will be the default.
  • Send Arbor login details by email - Tick this to send the user an email to enable them to log in with this email address.



1. Click to edit an existing email address

2. Click Edit.



3. Change the email address

4. Mark it as the default (if the user has more than one email address), or delete it.



5. Check that the user's Username in their Account Details section is the right email address.

The username is taken from the user's Work email address, not the Default email address. So if you need to correct the email address the user should log in with, you should make sure this is their work email address in the Contact details section.


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