Craig Dickinson
Query 5240Q
Please check: The number of hours at setting indicates that the pupil may be attending the school full time. However, they have been recorded as part-time. This query will appear if a student has o...
English/Maths grade at last census is lower than the current grade, not set, or set to 'Not Recorded'
This article addresses validation errors related to post-16 GCSE attainment records in Arbor, specifically focusing on discrepancies between the last census grades and current grades for English an...
Error 1845
Error 1845 occurs when a student is marked as an Early Years Pupil Premium Recipient but lacks recorded Funded or Expanded Hours. To fix this, check the student's profile for correct Funded Hours a...
Data protection guidelines for communications
This article provides guidelines for managing communication drafts in Arbor, emphasizing the importance of working on one draft at a time to prevent issues such as merged emails and discrepancies i...
I can't download CTF or Capita One files
If you encounter an error when downloading CTF or Capita One files from Arbor, it is likely due to your browser or school network security settings. Contact your IT support to adjust the necessary ...
Withdrawing Candidates from EDI Qualifications
There are three ways that candidates can be withdrawn from Award or Unit entries in Arbor: using the Entries by Student Group page via the individual Award/Unit pages directly from the candidate'...
Confirm and Approve EDI Entry files
This process should be completed once you have generated an EDI Entries or Amendments file for submission to an Awarding Organisation, and the Awarding Organisation has accepted your file. Permissi...
Setting up Pearson BTECs and using 9B and 7B files
This article covers setting up Pearson BTEC qualifications, to enable you to make entries. Please see our other guidance for other exam types here: Add exam awards and units for different qualifica...
Setting up Cambridge National qualifications
This article covers how to set up a OCR Cambridge National qualification to make entries into. Please see our other guidance for other exam types here: Add exam awards and units for different quali...
Steps to take after an Edval import
Set Academic Leads Edval's current importer cannot set Academic Leads for courses in Arbor. To input your Academic Leads for courses in bulk, you can either: copy them from the timetable slot staf...