Attendance Concern Report

The Attendance Concern Report helps identify students with attendance issues by analyzing their AM and PM Roll Call sessions. It is designed for full-time students and should be run on Friday afternoons. The report highlights students with 90% or below attendance and assigns points based on specific criteria to categorize them as 'Concern' or 'Monitoring'.

This attendance concern report will help you identify students whose attendance may be a cause for concern. It is possible to set this report up as a new report with added custom fields and conditional colour formatting, but we've created this for you to import and save time.

Click the link at the bottom of this article to download the report template. Do not open the template. You can then import it into your site by following these instructions: Importing a report

Which students can this report be used for?

As this report looks at the number of AM and PM Roll Call sessions the student has attended, it can only be used for full time students.

When should we run this report?

It's been designed to be run on a Friday afternoon after PM Roll Call, as part of the report compares attendance for this week to last week.

What does the report show?

It already has a filter applied to look at students with 90% or below attendance, so your report will only include your Persistent Absentees.

This report will assign students a point for each of these criteria:

  • Student's attendance for the whole academic year so far is 90% or below.
  • Student has missed 1 or more attendance sessions this week with an Unauthorised absence code recorded.
  • Student has attended fewer sessions this week than last week.

If a student has three points, the final column will then flag the student as a Concern. If the student has 0, 1 or 2 points, they will be marked as Monitoring.


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