Adding a student to an Internal Exclusion and seeing which students are out of lessons

Students can be enrolled in an internal exclusion.


You'll need the Students: Behaviour: Administer All/My Students permission to be able to manage students in Internal Exclusions. If you don't have permission, you'll need to ask an administrator to give you permission following these instructions.


Go to Students > Behaviour > internal Exclusions > Daily Attendance. You can either:

  • Change the date to select a specific session.
  • Click the Add Internal Exclusion button to add students to any future session.

Top Tip: Students cannot be added to internal exclusions spanning more than one day: Can I add an internal exclusion across more than one day?


Adding a student to an Internal Exclusion

Using the Add Internal Exclusion button

When you click on the Add Internal Exclusion session, you can add multiple students to more than one internal exclusion session if needed.

Important information: 

  • You cannot add students to internal exclusion sessions that are in the future or have already begun using this method. Please select a specific session from the Internal Exclusions page instead.
  • If the session is in the future and you still can't see the session you want to add students to, follow these instructions: I can't add students to an internal exclusion session



Selecting the specific session

Click on the relevant internal exclusion session then click the Add Students button and select the ‘Add students’ button.




You can also add students from within the Internal Exclusion Session dashboard. By clicking on the event row in the table and selecting More information you reach the session overview page. Click the +Add button in the top, right corner of the Students table.

The session page also allows you to:

  • Open and reopen the attendance register
  • Manage behaviour incidents
  • Review the details surrounding the student’s internal exclusions
  • Add staff members to the internal exclusion
  • Add notes and attachments
  • Cancel the internal exclusion session

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From the student profile

You can also add students to an internal exclusion from the Behaviour section on a student's profile. Click +Add in the Internal Exclusions tab. 



Important information: 

  • You cannot add the student to internal exclusion sessions that are in the future or have already begun using this method. Please select a specific session from the Internal Exclusions page instead.
  • If the session is in the future and you still can't see the session you want to add the student to, follow these instructions: I can't add students to an internal exclusion session



Viewing what lessons a student will miss

If a student is enrolled in an internal exclusion, you may need to know which lessons the student is missing that day - especially if you need to contact teachers to request work for them to complete. Or if an internal exclusion is only scheduled for part of the day, you might need to know which lesson to send the student to at the end of the internal exclusion.

Just go to Student > Behaviour > Internal Exclusions. Select the exclusion, then click the More information button.

Clicking on any student’s attendance mark on this page will reveal a chronologically sorted list of sessions that the student is enrolled in that day.



How teachers can tell a student is due to be out of the lesson

If a student is enrolled in an internal exclusion at the same time as a lesson, their teacher will be able to see this from the Lesson Dashboard and in the registers. You can see how this works here: How can teachers tell if a student is due to be out of the lesson?



What's next?

If you've added students incorrectly or want to remove them, follow these instructions: Remove a student from an Internal Exclusion

You can also report on internal exclusions: Internal Exclusions

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