Viewing a staff member's permissions and adding permissions

This article explains how to view and assign Ad-Hoc permissions to staff members within their profiles. It details the steps to check existing permissions, add new ones, and the requirements for making these changes, including the need for the user to log out and back in for changes to take effect.

You can see what permissions staff already have, and assign additional permissions to them.

Top Tip: If you want to check their access, you can see how to do this here: Check a staff member user's access to different pages.

Please note: In order for the permissions to take effect the staff member will need to log out of Arbor and back in again. 


You can add permissions for a member of staff straight from their staff profile if you have the Permissions: Administer permission yourself. If you're a Head Teacher, Business Manager, School or HR Admin or Senior Management Team you'll have this permission already.

Seeing permissions

To see a staff member's permissions, go to their staff profile and click Roles & Permissions > Permissions from the left-hand menu.



Adding permissions to a user

Click the Assign Ad Hoc permissions button in the top right-hand corner.

In the pop up select the permissions that you would like to add to the user. 

You can add permissions to a staff profile for a temporary period of time by adding an end date rather than leaving it as ongoing.

Top tips:

  • Please note that you cannot add permissions to multiple staff members in bulk.
  • Can't see the permission to add it? This means the staff member already has this permission.


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I'm still stuck!


  • I don't want to see staff photos, I want to see student group photo. Help!

  • Hi Shelley, please either contact your school office team to give you the right permissions, or shoot us an email so we can find out what will need to be changed on your profile.


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