Attendance marks have not been removed after we put in a holiday

You may find that there are still registers and attendance marks in place on a day bank holiday. This can happen when the holiday day is put into your Academic Calendar after a register has been opened and had attendance marks put in.

When a holiday is put into the Academic Calendar:

  • unopened registers with no attendance marks are removed
  • registers with one or more marks input won't be deleted, and the marks will remain

This means that you may want to remove these marks.

Our school was fully closed

  1. Use the Bulk Edit Marks page to set all students marks to # (a non-statistical code)
  2. Add the holiday to your Academic Calendar if it isn't already there
  3. All registers and attendance marks for that day should then be removed

Our school was partially closed

You should not add a holiday to your Academic Calendar as your school was not fully closed. You'll need to follow the partial closure guidance here: Partial school closure - Bulk edit attendance marks

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