Wrong, missing or "-" marks in Attendance Certificates

This article guides how to address issues with incorrect or missing attendance marks in Attendance Certificates. It outlines steps to check for migrated marks, redundant marks, and missing attendance, as well as how to verify and correct attendance marks that are recorded incorrectly. Key steps include checking event types, completing registers, and ensuring Roll Call times overlap with lessons.

There are a few different things to check if there are incorrect marks, or attendance marks missing from your AM and PM roll call marks in Attendance certificates. 

Top Tip: Need to make changes to student Roll Call marks in bulk after identifying the issue? You can use the Roll Call Marks page.

The attendance marks are from before your school was using Arbor

In this case, you'll need to follow these instructions to edit the marks: Editing attendance marks migrated from your old MIS and adding missing marks

There are attendance marks but there shouldn't be

If a student has been off-rolled with the leaving date backdated, they will have redundant marks that will show up on the Attendance Certificates. You can see how to resolve these here: Remove redundant attendance marks

There are attendance marks missing

In the example Attendance Certificate below, you can see that there are missing attendance marks for the student on Monday and Wednesday AM.



Step 1 - Check the event type or if it's a club/trip

Not all events contribute towards AM and PM roll call marks - please see our guidance here: Which events contribute towards statutory attendance?

Step 2 - Check the register for that time

Use the Incomplete Registers page to check if the staff member completed taking attendance for this class. In this example, I've set the date to the date of the missing marks, and I can see the teacher didn't finish the register for the class.

You can click on this register to complete attendance for the session. This will then feed through to the new Attendance Certificate you generate.



Step 3 - Check the times of your registers

If the register for the class was completed, and generating a new Attendance Certificate still doesn't show a mark, you'll need to check your Roll Call times. Lessons need to overlap with your Roll Call times to be pulled into Attendance Certificates, so you'll need to edit your Roll Call times.


The attendance marks are incorrect

In the example Attendance Certificate below, the students' mark for Thursday AM should have been G, but was recorded as H.



Step 1 - See if the marks were changed

You can use the Audit log tool to check who changed an attendance mark. If a staff member has changed the mark (such as by choosing to override a planned absence mark), you can change it to the correct mark

Step 2 - Check the hierarchy of attendance marks

If the mark is correct, and generating a new Attendance Certificate still doesn't show the correct mark, check the mark used. When a student has more than one event that overlaps with the Roll Call, the 'best mark' will be used on the Attendance Certificate. You can see how this works here: Attendance codes and how they count towards statutory attendance

Step 3 - Check what the student has scheduled for that Roll Call time

If the attendance mark is correct, check your Roll Call times. Lessons need to overlap with your Roll Call times for the mark taken in them to be able to contribute to the 'best mark'. You'll need to edit your Roll Call times if they don't overlap.

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