Using custom groups to create a OV7 or OV8

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This article outlines the process of creating OV7 or OV8 reports using Custom Groups. It details how to create a custom group, download a student list for basic information, and utilize the Custom Report Writer to filter data specific to the custom group for reporting purposes.

Firstly, the custom group needs to be created, you can do this by following the instructions in this article: Create and use Custom Groups

Using the Download Student List function

For basic information of the students within in a custom group (such as name, DOB, primary guardians contact) you can use the Download Student List function. This information can be useful in creating a OV8 or other similar documents. 

  1. Go to School > School Structure > Custom Groups. Click into the custom group of interest and click Download Student List.
  2. From here, you can select the columns you require and drag them to the right hand side. Once you have all of your columns you can download the report to either Excel or PDF.

You can see where this Download Student List function is available throughout the Arbor site in this article here: Downloading a class list of students in a particular group

Using Custom Report Writer

You can apply a filter to your custom report to only show data for those within a custom group. This article explains how to create a custom report: Creating bespoke reports in the Custom Report Writer

Once you have set your columns for the custom report. Go to Select Filter and choose Custom Groups, click Add Filter.

Screenshot 2023-08-14 at 13.39.18.png


Set the Filter Condition to Is one of... and choose your custom group from the drop down, click Save.

Once the filter is in place, click Save & View Report. You will then have a custom report that is only showing data for your chosen custom group.

Screenshot 2023-08-14 at 13.40.10.png

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Using the Download Student List function