Edit School Shop item name or price

This article explains how to edit the name or price of items in the School Shop before any purchases are made. It also outlines the implications of changing these details after a purchase, including how old names appear on invoices and the need for refunds if prices are adjusted.

You can edit the name of the item or the price of the item before any items have been purchased.

1. Go to School > Payments > School Shop > School Shop Products.

2. Select the item

3. Click More Information in the slide over.

4. Click on the field to edit the details.

Screenshot 2024-02-23 at 11.39.07.png


After the first item has been purchased, please note that:

  • if you change the item name, the old name will still show on invoices, such as on the student's profile in Payments > School Shop > Invoices.
  • if you change the price, this will not affect those students that have already made purchases. A new price will be applied only for future purchases for this product.

You would need to give the student a full refund for the original price they paid and then purchase the item again at the new, lowered price. You can see further details here: Can we give a partial refund for items?

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