Can we set up free School Shop items?

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You might need to set up free items, such as if you want to mark an item as issued without a payment being made. You'll need to add the price of £0, or the item won't show on the Parent Portal or Arbor App to be purchased.

  • For items that cost money, you need to purchase the item before you can mark it as issued.
  • For free items, the item needs to be ordered before it can be marked as issued.

First, make sure you have set up your School Shop product.

Add a price for a student group (or individual student) to make the item free only for them.



Click +Add in the product overview to order the item for the student(s).



You'll then be able to mark the item as issued.

Please note that the Bill Payer field will still automatically populate with bill payer 1 when no payment has not been made here. You can see further details here.


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