Downloading and printing a Custom Report Card

This article explains how to download and print custom report cards, including generating a print preview, downloading individual or bulk report cards, and managing permissions for users. It details the steps for selecting students, grouping options, and downloading formats.

You can generate a print preview of report cards, then download and print them.


  • School: Report Card: Administer - create, share, email and download report cards
  • Students: Report Card: Administer All/My Students - download report cards for students

If you don't have the permission, you'll need to ask your admin team to give you permission using these instructions.


Print preview

You can download a preview to see how your report card will look by clicking the Print Preview button (the printer icon next to the expander).  You can see further details about this feature here: Print Preview

Screenshot 2024-03-18 at 10.49.39.png


Download an individual report card

Go to Students > Report Cards and select the report card. Go to the Share Reports tab.

Click on a student to download their report card.

download student report.png

example student report.png


Download in bulk

You can also download the report cards in bulk by clicking One file per student or One file for all students.

download report cards.png


Select which students to download the report cards for, and whether to exclude any students.

For One file for all students you need to select how to group your report cards:

  • Year group, then registration form
  • Year group, then house
  • Year group
  • Registration form, then year group
  • House, then registration form
  • House, then year group

And whether to order them alphabetically by Surname or First Name.

For One file for all students you can also choose to print double sided, so blank pages are added so each new report card starts on a new page.

download report cards slide over.png


You'll need to wait until a notification shows in the top right of your site.

Click the notification to download the file(s).

report card notification.png


If you selected One file per student, you'll need to open the zipped file to access the individual PDFs. The files are named with each student's name.

zip file.png

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