Creating Checks and adding checks and qualifications to staff profiles

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This article explains how to manage checks and qualifications for staff profiles in Arbor, including viewing, adding, and editing check types, reviewing staff linked to checks, and logging checks and qualifications on individual staff profiles.

Managing check types

In School > All Staff > HR Admin > Checks > Manage Check Types you can view, add and edit the checks/qualifications currently on Arbor. 

In All Check Types, a list of all the checks on the MIS will be listed. To edit the information of a check click on one from the list. 



A slide over will display the information of the check, click on Edit. You will note that checks created by your school can be edited, but the default checks in Arbor cannot.



To add a check click on +Add at the top of the list and update the details of the check. 



Review staff linked to each check

The Review page loads the list of staff members linked to specific checks. The page loads on a default check, to view other checks click on the drop-down box next to Check Type at the top of the page. 



A check can be added to an individual staff member, click the staff member's name and update the slide over.

To bulk update staff members profile with a specific check, tick the staff members on the grid and click the Bulk action button.



There must be a value in the Clearance Level for the system to log this information.

Logging checks on the staff profile

You can add records of courses and checks to a staff member from their Staff Profile.

Go to the staff member's Staff Profile and scroll down to the Qualifications and Checks section. Here you'll be able to see all checks your school has already set up, and an option for Teacher status.



To add a check to the staff member's profile, click +Add and select the check.



Add in the information on the slide over, then add the check.



Logging qualifications on the staff profile

You can add records of qualifications to a staff member from their Staff Profile.

Go to the staff member's Staff Profile and scroll down to the Qualifications and Checks section. Here you'll be able to see all checks your school has already set up, and an option for Teacher status.



To add a new qualification, click +Add and select to add a Professional Qualification.



Add in the information on the slide over, then add the qualification.


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