Setting Positions, Position Categories and Census Business Roles for the Workforce Census

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This article provides guidance on managing staff positions within the workforce census, including how to add, edit, and categorize positions, as well as linking them to appropriate Census Business Roles. It outlines the permissions required to access these features and explains the different tabs available for viewing positions, including active and historic roles.

When adding a contract for a staff member, you need to select a Position. If you don't see the Position you need, go to School > All Staff > HR Admin > Positions to set it up.


You will need either School: HR Policy permission to access this page. If you don't have permission, you'll need to ask your admin team to give you permission using these instructions.

Using the Positions page

Which positions appear on each tab?

The In Use tab shows a list of all active positions and the number of position holders.



The Historic tab shows a list of the positions that are no longer in use by the school. To activate a historic position click on the position to be activated and from the slide over click on MoreThe overview of the position will load. Click on dates and either remove or update the end date to activate. 

The All tab shows all your used positions and ones with no staff assigned. This tab is where newly created positions will appear.


Which Position Category and Census Business Roles can be used together?

For the workforce census, each position you've set up must be linked to the right Position Category and Census Business Role. The census business role is not the same as a staff member's business role in Arbor.

Download our Position/Role matrix using the link at the bottom of this article to see exactly which Position Category and Census Business Roles work together. 

  • Green means you can use them together for the same position
  • Red means you can't use them together and will cause an error in your Workforce census

Here are some examples:


Position Category

Census Business Role


Classroom Teacher

SEN Co-ordinator

Unqualified Teacher

Classroom Teacher

Classroom Teacher

Nursery Assistant

Other Support Staff

Nursery Officer/Assistant

Teaching Assistant

Teaching assistant

Teaching assistant


Adding a new position  

You can add new positions by clicking +AddFill in the information in the slide over, then click Save Changes. The position will then appear in the All tab.


Adding a Position Category and Census Business Role

You can bulk select multiple positions and edit their Position Category and Census Business Role.


You can also click an individual position to edit it. Add or edit the position category and census business role by clicking them, or visit the Position Overview for that position by clicking More or Edit.



Add a position category and census role, then click to Save Changes.


Editing information about a position

Click a position and click More or Edit to get to the Position overview. Information with an arrow > can be edited by clicking on the row you would like to edit and updating the slide over.

Position Category

In the Overview section, a category can be added to the position, this information is needed for the Workforce Census. To add/amend click on the Position Category and choose the category from the slide over.


Position Business Roles

On Arbor a position can be linked to a business role, this is the role that gives staff members access to specific sections of Arbor. To link a business role click on +Add and choose the role.



Clicking on a business role from the position overview will display a slide over with the permissions within it.


On the slide over, at the top right, there is an edit button. This can be used to Remove The Business Role from within the Position.

Roles and permissions

This will show the same list like the one in the Position Business role, to quickly view the permissions within the role click on the (+) sign and view the list.


Position holders

This table has a list of all staff members (Historic, Current and future) that have this position linked to their profile. 


Clicking on a staff member's name from the grid loads a slide over with basic information of their position with the school. To edit the staff post details click on edit and update accordingly.


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