Finding a Guardian Profile, updating contact details or unsubscribing from communications

This article provides guidance on how to find, update, and manage guardian profiles in the student system. It covers searching for guardians, editing their details, setting contact preferences, unsubscribing from communications, and bulk updating contact information. Additionally, it explains how to manage relationships with linked students and check for data quality errors.

Using the search box

To access the Guardian Profile, go to the Student Profile of their child, and scroll down to the Family Guardian Contacts section. Click the name of the guardian. In the slide over, click their name again.



You can also search directly for the guardian in the search bar.



Top Tip: Can't find them in the search box? Use the Global search! Here you can see all current and past users with this name!



Editing guardian details and contact preferences

Editing guardian identity details and marking as deceased

The identity section shows the guardians 'name' and 'relationship to pupil' information including collection details.


Any information with the Parent_Portal___Student_profile.jpg symbol to the right of it can be amended. To edit the details click on the specific part and update the slide over accordingly. 

To mark a guardian as deceased, click the row containing 'Date of Birth' and click the 'Mark as Deceased. 


Adding and editing contact details

In the contact details part of the profile, the guardian's contact details can be edited. Click on the contact and update the slide over accordingly.



To add another email address, phone number or address, click the +Add button. A pop-up will appear with the options listed. Select the relevant option, add the requested information and save.



When adding an email you will also be able to regenerate the logging details for the Parent Portal and Parent App. You can change the default email address here too.



When changing the Home Address, you can choose to amend or delete an incorrect address by clicking Correct Mistake or Delete Address or change the address by clicking Move House.



When selecting correcting or deleting you can add moving dates.



When choosing Move House you can decide whether or not to update the student’s address as well, for example if a student’s guardians have split up and one parent moves out.


Setting contact preferences

When no contact preferences are set, communications such as the follow-up feature from Attendance > Absentees by Date sends an SMS by default if a phone number is listed for the guardian. This is because parents may not check their emails and SMS is the fastest way to get in contact with the guardian.



To change this, click the contact preference field in the Contact Details section. 



Change the preference, then click Save Changes.


Unsubscribing a guardian from Communications 

You can see how to unsubscribe guardians here: How do I stop communications being sent to this guardian?

Editing linked students and relationships

In this section, you can see any students linked to this guardian. If the guardian is a Primary Guardian for the student, the guardian will be able to see them in the Parent Portal and Parent App. To see how to link guardians to students, take a look here



If you click this field, then click Edit in the slide over, you can edit the relationship such as making them a Primary or Legal guardian.

You can see more information about unsubscribing guardians from comms here: How do I stop communications being sent to this guardian?


Changing a guardian's password and viewing login details

This section shows the guardian their login details for the Parent Portal.



We recommend getting the Parent to change their own password. Send them a link to do this by clicking the Reset Password button. 



To change the password, click the Change Password button. A slide-over will appear, enter the current password, add the new password and click on 'Change Password'.




Updating Guardian Contact Details in bulk

Head to the Students > Parents and Guardians > Bulk Update > Guardian Contact Details. On this page, you can edit information by clicking on the field.



Tick multiple guardians, then use the Bulk action button icon to unsubscribe them from communications in bulk.



You can also click the guardian's name to see more details, then click Edit in the slide over to edit the relationship, whether to unsubscribe them from communications, or whether they are authorised to collect the child from school. 



Bulk updating emergency contact numbers

Our Emergency Contact Numbers Page helps you ensure you have two emergency contact numbers for every child in your care. Get to the table by going to Students > Parents & Guardians > Emergency Contact Numbers.

Missing contacts will be highlighted in red. Click on the table to go to the student's profile to add the missing details.



Authorised to Collect and Primary or Legal guardian

On the Authorised to Collect page, you can view and bulk update whether Guardians are authorised to collect students.



If you click into a guardian then click Edit, you can update whether they are a Primary or Legal Guardian.

To see how to do this on a Guardian's profile, or for more information on what Primary and Legal guardian means, see this article: Assigning family as Primary or Legal Guardians



Using the Data Quality Dashboard to Check for Errors

Go to School > Data Quality Dashboard > Guardians > Contact Details. You'll see separate options for checking email, telephone and postal address data.

You can click into any errors or incomplete information to amend it.


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