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Creating a Suspension

The Students > Behaviour > Suspensions > Reporting page allows you to record fixed-period or temporary exclusions (referred to as 'suspensions') within your school. You can also view all suspensions from this page.



Using the filters, you can filter for specific dates or number of sessions missed. You can also choose extra columns to add to the table.



Adding a new Suspension

You can add a suspension by clicking on the green Add Suspension button. 

A slide over will appear for you to enter the required details to create the suspension.

Please note: Only fill in the daily start and end time if it is a lunchtime exclusion.


IMPORTANT: As suspensions with a Daily Start and Daily End time are treated as lunchtime suspensions, they are NOT collected by the DfE and as a result they do not appear on the census.

You'll then need to choose which AM and PM roll call sessions to suspend the student for, then click the green button. Each session counts as 0.5 days and one session, so the example below will count for 1 day, but 2 sessions.



When the suspension is created it will be displayed in the table.


Alert for Attendance Officers

When a suspension is logged, this creates planned absences with the E attendance code to ensure all roll call periods have the right mark. However, if a student has already has a planned absence during this time, the existing absence’s mark will be used instead of E. This will need to be fixed.

To enable you to do this, anyone with the Attendance Officer business role will see an alert on their homepage.

Top Tip: This alert is only triggered when logging a suspension and a planned absence already exists in the date range. It won't be triggered in the reverse scenario, as this isn't possible.

Screenshot 2023-09-28 at 11.09.16.png

Screenshot 2023-09-28 at 11.09.43.png


When clicking on the alert, the user will be taken to the Planned Absences page, filtered down to the student and relevant date range, so they can take action.

Top Tip: There will be one planned absence for each AM and PM session.

Screenshot 2023-09-28 at 11.10.14.png


Editing the Suspension, notifying guardians and taking further actions

Clicking on any cell in the table (apart from the student name) from the Students > Behaviour > Suspensions > Reporting page will generate a slide over where you can:

  • Notify the student about the exclusion
  • Notify their guardians about the exclusion
  • Add attachments
  • Click Edit to edit the details
  • Click Edit to delete the exclusion




Clicking on the student name cell in this table will take you to their Student Profile. 

Clicking on the Exclusions tab in Behaviour allows you to see the exclusions of the student and also allows you to see if a Guardian has been notified. Top Tip: You might need to adjust the date range.



Clicking on this record will open a slide over where you can choose to Notify Student or Notify Guardian.

Once you send a notification, the button will disappear so you can't send more than one follow-up from here.




For the times of the exclusion, planned absences will be logged for the student. You can see these on the student's profile, in the Attendance > Dashboard and Planned Absences & Notes sections.



You can also see them in the Marks (By Date) section.



What's next?

You can see how to report on these suspensions here: Reporting on incidents, detentions, exclusions and suspensions

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