Allowances and Additional Payments

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To help you record staff payments, and for the Workforce census, you can record Allowances and Additional Payments.

  • For Additional Payments for staff members, you'll need to record these as Additional Payments in the Contracts section of the staff member's profile, with the right Additional payment reason.
  • For payments that can be output as 'Other' payments in your census, you can add allowances. Check all allowances used by your school are recorded on the Allowances page and click each allowance to check it has been added to all the right staff member’s contracts.

Additional Payments

You can record Additional Payments for staff members such as Teaching and Learning Responsibility payments (TLRs).

You'll need to record these in the Contracts section of the staff member's profile, with the right Additional payment reason. There isn't a central area to view these like for Allowances.

Adding an Additional Payment

Click +Add in the Additional Payments section of the staff member's profile.



Fill in the details of the payment, including the Additional payment reason, then click Save Changes.

Additional Payments are output pro-rata in the census, so for long-term payments you can record them as annual payments rather than one for each month.

Please note that there is no pay factor for Additional Payments, so you would need to calculate the actual amount (by multiplying the original amount by the pay factor) before adding this.




For payments that can be output as 'Other' payments in your census, you can add allowances. The School > All Staff > HR Admin > Allowances page shows the allowances that are currently being used at your school.

Adding an allowance

Click +Add and add code and name on the slide over.




Amending allowance details

Click on the allowance. The allowance overview will then load. To amend either name or code click on them and update accordingly.



To add the amount to be paid click +Add in FTE Amounts (Annual) and update the slide over with the amount and dates. 



Adding allowances to staff

You can add new allowances to a staff member's contract by clicking +Add in the Staff Contract section of their Staff Profile.




Once an allowance has been added to a staff member, you'll need to remove it from staff to be able to remove it from the School > All Staff > HR Admin > Allowances page.



Can we report on allowances

It is not possible to report on allowances in the Custom Report Writer.

You can see further details here: What reporting on allowances is available?

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