How can I manage cover and view cover statistics?

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The article explains how to manage cover lessons and view cover statistics through the Cover Dashboard. It details the functionalities of the dashboard, including tabs for unarranged, arranged, and covered not required lessons. Users can assign staff to cover lessons, download coverslips, and view statistics on the cover provided and required by staff, courses, and students.

Cover Dashboard

Go to School > All Staff > Cover. The Cover Dashboard page gives an overview of your cover lessons. Use the timetable to see what’s required, requested, arranged and not required.

You will also see three other tabs on the top of the page that show cover lessons that are Unarranged, Arranged or with Cover Not Required status.

You can then click the slot to assign a staff member to cover it! You can see more about this here: How do I assign cover?



The page will default to showing Today's cover.

Click into the filters to select the date range to download cover slips for. Select a time scale (for example, last week) and the dates will update accordingly, or select Custom to set your own range.

When you next visit the page it will keep your selection.

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Unarranged Cover

This shows all the lessons that require covering. Click on an individual lesson to assign a member of staff to cover the lesson. You can select from Available teaching staff that have provided cover previously, All Available teaching staff and Unavailable teaching staff.

Select multiple unarranged cover lessons using the left-hand checkboxes and you will be presented with two options.

  • Arrange Cover - allows you to arrange cover in bulk for more than one unarranged cover lesson
  • Cover Not Required - means staff may be absent but cover may not be required for their lesson. Use this option to flag this lesson as not requiring cover - it will then be moved to the third tab on the page, 'Cover Not Required'.




Arranged Cover

Use this page to view all arranged cover over a specific period of time.

Click on an arranged cover lesson to edit cover staff that have been requested for the lesson. You can cancel cover arrangement requests to individual staff members.



Cover Not Required

This tab allows you to view all cover lessons that no longer require cover. Click on one lesson to arrange cover for the lesson.

You can select multiple lessons using the checkbox on the left-hand side of the table. Once selected, you can edit these lessons and click on Set as 'Cover Required'. This will move the selected lessons to the Unarranged cover lesson tab.



Statistics and reporting

Cover Provided

In addition to our Cover Required table, you can see the number of lessons teachers have covered in Cover Provided by going to School > All Staff > Cover > Statistics > Cover Provided. Use the ranking to see who needs cover, and who’s been the most generous with their time.



Cover Required

The Cover Required page will load a list of all staff members and the amount of hours/lessons they have that require cover. Just go to going to School > All Staff > Cover > Statistics > Cover Required.



By Course & Class

This page displays the number of lessons requiring cover for each class, including the number of hours needing cover and the percentage of lessons that have been scheduled for this class that require cover.



By Student

This page displays all students who are affected by a lesson requiring cover, including the number of their lessons requiring cover and the total duration of these lessons.


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