This article covers common questions regarding CTFs (Common Transfer Files) in Arbor. If you cannot find an answer to your query in this article, check our dedicated section of the Help Centre on this topic here.

A Common Transfer File (CTF) is a standard format for sending student data between schools, often used when a student transfers schools. A CTF can be used to:

  • Create new student profiles
  • Update information on an existing student profile

What is included in a CTF?

This DfE guidance explains what is required to be included in a CTF. Arbor CTFs will only include and import what is outlined in this guidance.

What is not included in a CTF?

Can I send files or documents in a CTF?

No, files or documents attached to the student profile are not something that can be included within a CTF. You will need to download all the attachments individually from the places they are stored on the profile. You will then need to send these downloaded attachments to the school separately outside of Arbor, such as through a secure portal.

Can we import exam results using a CTF?

You may need to bring in past GCSE exam results for students into Arbor, as this data is required for English and Maths for your Post-16 students in the Autumn School Census. 

It is not possible to import prior attainment data into the Arbor Exams area through a CTF. This is because exam results are not included in the DfE's CTF specification.

To get prior attainment data into Arbor, please follow our guidance here: Adding prior attainment for English and Maths

I have imported a CTF and there is a Medical Flag. What is this?

When importing a CTF, the file will recognise that there is a medical condition attached. As Medical Conditions can be different in different MISs, a medical flag is shown on the student's profile. This is because Medical Condition details are vital pieces of information that need to be maintained.

You will need to contact the student's previous school to find out exactly what their Medical Condition is. 

If you need to add a Medical Condition, you can follow this article.

Why have I received a notification for a Service Child CTF and can I change who this notification is sent to?

You may receive a notification or email saying that a Service Child has been imported using a CTF. 

Clicking the link or notification will take you to the student's profile.

The notification is sent to anyone with the Head Teacher business role.

It is not possible to amend this setting, you can only assign this based on who you've given the Head Teacher business role to: Adding a Business Role to a member of staff.

Why can't I download CTF or Capita One files?

If you encounter an error when downloading CTF or Capita One files from Arbor, it is likely due to your browser or school network security settings. Contact your IT support to adjust the necessary settings to enable XML file downloads.

When trying to download CTF or Capita One files from Arbor, you might see an error in your browser saying '<Filename> was blocked because this type of file can harm your device'. The error will prevent you from downloading the files.

This error is triggered by your personal browser security settings, or the network security settings at your school, rather than being related to Arbor itself. If you encounter the error, we recommend contacting your IT support team, as they may need to adjust a setting within your browser to enable downloads of XML files.

Once your IT support has actioned a change to permit the download of XML files, you should then be able to download CTF or Capita One files from Arbor without any issues.


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