Change a Business Role's name using an Alias

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This article explains how to change the name of a staff member's Business Role using an Alias without altering the actual Business Role or its permissions. It outlines the hierarchy for determining a staff member's Role on their profile and provides steps for editing the Role through the Contract section or by updating the Alias in Users & Security.

Staff member's Roles within the school are displayed on their Staff Profile. The name of the Role is taken from their Business Role.

It is possible to change the name of the Business Role without taking control of the Business Role itself from Arbor or editing it in any other way. 

If you would like to change the staff member's Business Role and the permissions they have, read this article

If you would like to change the name of the Business Role only, complete the steps below.

What is a Staff member's Role?

The Role on the Staff Profile is chosen based on this order:
  1. Job title on latest contract post
  2. Position title on latest contract post 
  3. Business role name
This means that if there is no Job title on the staff member's latest contract, their Position on their latest contract will be used instead. If there is no position specified, the Business Role will be used.

For example, here you can see the name of the Business Role is the same on the Staff Profile, as it is in the Business role in Users & Security.




How do I edit a Staff member's Role using their Contract?

Navigate to the Contract section of the specific Staff member's profile and click the row in their contract containing their Job Title or Position to update the slide over. 



How do I edit a Staff member's Role using an Alias?

To edit the Alias of a Business Role, go to School > Users & Security > Select the Business Role.

Click the row containing the name, and Update the slide over with the Alias.



As an example, below you can now see a note in Users & Security, saying that 'Assistant Principle' is an Alias of 'Deputy Head Teacher'.

This means her permissions are that of an assistant head, but she is called the Assistant Principal.



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