Setting up your nursery registers for the first time

  • If you have not recently moved to Arbor, you will have created your course structure as part of the New School Year Setup, so you won't need to complete these steps.
  • If you have just moved to Arbor, you must have first set up all your courses and modules correctly to be able to enrol students correctly into your nursery registers. For nursery students, you will need to have set up morning and afternoon modules for each weekday.

How long will it take?

Scheduling the registers will take about 20 minutes.


Setting up your Nursery registers

To set up your nursery registers for the first time, go to School > Programmes > Courses.



Click '+Add' to add a New Course with a relevant title

Click into that newly created course which should have '(No Lessons Scheduled)' and click +Add.



Label the Module Monday AM, then click Add Module.



Within each module, you'll need to schedule the register. Click +Add in the Classes & Lessons section and add Monday AM's register.




Head back to the parent level component to review and continue to add the modules for Monday PM, Tuesday AM etc until you have your whole week scheduled.



Make sure you have set up your registration lesson as shown below from School > Programmes > Courses.



What's next?

When adding your nursery students to registers, you need to decide whether to use Attendance Patterns or to enrol manually. Please read our guidance here to decide before following the instructions below: What are Attendance Patterns?

You can then follow the instructions in these articles to enrol your students, depending on your requirements:

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