Attendance Certificates for Students with 100% Attendance

You may wish to generate attendance certificates for only students who have 100% present attendance and no Late marks. To enable you to select this student group, you need to first set up these students as a custom group.

Creating the Custom Group

Go to School > Academic Structure > Custom Groups and click the green Add Custom Groups button. Add a Group Name and leave the rest of the slide over as it is. 



Click the Setup tab and in the dropdown under the Automatic Membership Criteria section, find Lesson Attendance (Present). Click the green Add Membership Criterion button.



Select the Date Range you wish to collect the attendance for. In this example, the list of students will show all those with 100% Attendance from the start of the Academic Year to the Present Day.

Make sure to keep 'Statistic Greater than or Equal to' (this is the default), and enter the Filter Value as 100.



Next, you'll need to add another membership criteria to filter out late marks. Click into the Setup tab again to add another criterion.

Click the dropdown bar under the Automatic Membership Criteria section and select Lesson Attendance (Late), then click the green Add Membership Criterion button.



Change the Date Range to the range you want to collect the attendance for. Change the filter in the Filter Condition section to 'Numerator (Raw Number) Less than or Equal to', and keep the Filter Value as 0.



Your Setup tab should look like the screenshot below.



Using the Custom Group for your Attendance Certificates

Follow this article: Print Attendance Certificates for groups or individual students You'll be able to select your custom group when selecting students.


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