Report on clubs and analyse club attendance and participation

The guidance below applies to both Standard Clubs and Wraparound Care Clubs.

Attendance analysis for clubs works differently than for normal lesson registers because clubs do not feed into your statutory roll call marks. As such, you won't be able to report on club attendance in the same way (such as through the Students > Attendance > Statistics page).

Instead, you'll need to use the Custom Report Writer to report on standard or wraparound care clubs and attendance for these clubs.

If you have any feedback, you can submit it to our product team here: Reporting on club attendance


  • School: General Admin: Export Data - Create a Custom Report
  • School: Extra Curricular: View - See club data in reports

If you don't have permission, you'll need to ask your admin team to give you permission using these instructions.


Before getting started

Make sure the club has been set up to take attendance, and that attendance marks have been input - you can see how to do this here: Taking attendance for a Club


Reporting on clubs

Create a new Custom Report Writer report following these instructions, and select one of the two base report types that will enable you to report on clubs:

  • Students - See statistical or raw marks for student club attendance for all clubs or one specific clubs, alongside contextual information.
  • Clubs - See statistical or raw attendance for a club overall, or split your reporting to compare different student groups attending the club (e.g. pupil premium vs not pupil premium).

Student report

You can add columns for club Present, Absent and Late Attendance.



By default, these will show attendance for all clubs set up (wraparound and standard). To look at specific clubs, just select them in the slide over.

In the example I'll be using, I've selected a particular club, but you can select multiple clubs to view their combined attendance, such as your Breakfast and After School clubs.



You can select whether to look at attendance for the full duration of the club, or just a small part.

You can also choose the format of the output and summary row, or add conditional formatting.



In this example, my report will the percentage attendance for students attending the breakfast club.

You may wish to add a filter for clubs, so your report will only include students who are actually signed up to the club. Otherwise, students that don't have an attendance mark for this club will appear as N/A.




To view the number of sessions, change the format to:

  • Numerator (Raw Number) to see the number of sessions marked
  • Denominator (Total Possible) to see the total number of club sessions




To compare student groups, you can add a filter to only look at students in a particular group.



Please note that we don't recommend adding groupings to this report, for example grouping by demographics.

This is because the attendance fields will only accurately show data by student, and won't show the right data when grouped - you'd need to use the Clubs report below to view this.

You can only use groupings in the Student report to see the number of students in each group.



Club report

By default the report will include:

  • Club name
  • Club description
  • Club Leads - the staff assigned to the club
  • Max Participants - the maximum number of students that can join a club session. Top Tip, when none is set, this field will be blank.




You can add additional columns for:

  • Requires Consent?
  • Free?
  • Take Attendance?
  • Attendance Register Effective Date
  • Accounting Code
  • Customer Account Type
  • Has Meals?
  • Is Wraparound Care Club?
  • Charge Students Based on Attendance Mark?
  • Number of Active Club Memberships
  • Number of Club Sessions
  • Attendance (Present/Absent/Late) for all students



To see data split into demographic groups, you'll need to edit the individual attendance column and filter it down.

To compare data, you can add another column and apply inverse filters. In the example below, I can see attendance data for each club for FSM and non-FSM students, and I've also added columns for SEN and not SEN. 



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I'm still stuck!


  • I have 63 clubs and need to know which students are attending which clubs on a regular basis and also which are PP students, so to do an analysis of this is going to be time-consuming if the only way is to download each individual day for each club.  There must be a better way to get this data - can a custom report pick up this data more effectively?

  • Hi Penny, thanks for your comment. I'm afraid this is the best way we've found for analysing club attendance. As club attendance doesn't contribute towards statutory attendance, there isn't the same requirement across all schools for in-depth reporting. 

  • Just thought I would let you know that OFSTED are inspecting SRWA at the moment and they really wanted some analysis on club attendance and uptake of PP students in them etc.
    Unfortunately, as you have previously told me, Arbor does not yet offer an easy way to pull this data out and analyse it.  Even though we mark attendance to sessions of clubs there is no spreadsheet or report option to review complete attendance since September.
  • Hi Penny, I appreciate OFSTED is visiting, however, this is still the case. If you'd like to submit this as feedback to our team you can do so here

    We have further guidance to help with OFSTED here.

  • I'm also very surprised to find there's no way to get an overview of attendance to a club over several weeks. I can't believe it's that difficult to see? Surely enough users of the clubs function will want to see attendance over time? Getting a percentage attendance for the cohort is useless to me - I need to see which students attended on which days as I run a DofE group and need to know what training the individuals have missed. Viewing this week by week is a pain especially when the ability to view students' long-term attendance to my academic lessons is so easy to use? 

    Please can this be seriously considered as a future function to add to Clubs?!

  • Hi Tom, I appreciate this is important to you, however our product team does not monitor the Help Centre. To submit your feedback, please do so here


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