Remove or delete DfE assessments and marks

Follow this article to see how to remove marks or assessments from the DfE Statutory assessments area.

Deleting the whole assessment

Deleting the assessment batch

Go to Students > Assessments > DfE Assessments. Select the assessment, and click Manage Assessment.



Click the Delete batch button. This will remove all marks recorded on the Input Marks page for the assessment on this date.



Deleting the assessment template

Once you have clicked the Load assessment template button to add an assessment template to your site, it isn't possible to remove this, even if you delete all the assessment batches.



Removing certain students from the assessment

Student groups

Go to Students > Assessments > DfE Assessments. Select the assessment, and click Manage Assessment.



Click on the student or students to remove, then click Delete.



Individual students

Go to Students > Assessments > DfE Assessments. Select the assessment, and click Input marks.



Click on the student. Scroll down to the bottom of the slide over and click Delete Marks.



Can we add undo the deletion?

You can add the students back into the assessment. However, it isn't possible to retrieve marks deleted in error.

To add students deleted back in, go to Manage from the left-hand menu. Make sure you've added their student group, then click the Refresh batch button. 


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