See students given a detention with an alert, reporting or in registers

There are a few different areas where staff or teachers can see who has been given a detention.

On your homepage

When a student is given a detention, staff who are linked to the student (such as by being a teacher of them, or form tutor, will get an alert on My Homepage.



Clicking on the alert allows you to follow-up or make edits.



Can I see who has a detention today on my class register?

You can identify all students who have a detention today or just those in your class, so you can remind them that they have detention after their lesson.

Teachers can see any students who have been given detention today in the Student table on the lesson dashboard for the class (if your school have enabled this in your Lesson Settings). 

However, this doesn't show which students actually have a detention today.



See everyone with a detention today

To see this, go to Behaviour from the left-hand menu.

Select today in the filters, then go to the Detentions tab to view the detentions. 



You can also see all of today's detentions from Students > Behaviour > Detentions > Today. You can see a column to view the session the student is currently in, so you can send a reminder to their teacher, or send someone to collect them.


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