How do we migrate notes and documents?

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This article provides guidance on migrating notes and documents from various previous systems to Arbor, detailing which documents are migrated, their storage locations, and specific tagging requirements. It highlights the migration process from systems like Bromcom, Integris, CMIS, ScholarPack, Progresso, and SIMS, including the handling of safeguarding notes and the importance of correct tagging for proper document placement.

Please use the guidance below to see what documents migrate from which previous systems, and if they do migrate, where they will be stored in Arbor after migration.

Please note the following can vary for a GroupCall API migrator, we are working on adding the GroupCall Migrator specifications to this guide. If you need to raise any data discrepancies post migration please contact Arbor support or your dedicated partner and we will be advised of the next steps.

Please note that we do not migrate documents stored as URLs from any previous MIS.


We only migrate Staff Identification Documents from Bromcom.


We currently do not migrate any documents.


We do not migrate any documents.


We migrate SEN documents only - these appear in the Migrated Documents section on a Student or Staff profile (see further details below).


When migrating from Progresso, any documents that we haven't been able to link student or staff profiles because of insufficient information or the wrong tags will be placed in the School documents area. We place these documents in this area to ensure they are not placed somewhere incorrect or where someone who should not be able to see them can view the information.

Documents and notes must be 'tagged' correctly to place them in the correct area, such as the student profile. This is easiest to fix in Progresso before your final data migration.

  • If a document is tagged with 'Health', 'SEN', 'Behaviour' or 'Exclusion' these documents will sit in the correct Arbor area.
  • If tagged with any of the following options, the document will be migrated as a Pastoral Note: General, Administration, Attendance, Personal, Policy, Timetable, GDPR: Access Request, GDPR: Deletion Request, GDPR: General, GDPR: Processing Request, Assessment.

If there is more than one tag attached to a document, we will use the first tag alphabetically to determine where this document will sit in the profile.

Safeguarding notes

Safeguarding notes and documents in Progresso are migrated into Pastoral Notes. We cannot migrate them to safeguarding notes because in Progresso, access in managed with a permission attached to the documents themselves rather than the safeguarding notes area like in Arbor.

To make sure only the right staff can access them in Arbor, we recommend generating a report of your safeguarding documents in Progresso. You'll then need to find and download the information in Arbor, add this as a safeguarding note in Arbor and remove the pastoral note.


SIMS and the DMS

What is the DMS?

The DMS is the Document Management Server in SIMS. This is where you stored all documents and is where the backup is created when you migrate to Arbor.

When you create your backup to send to us, you must also choose to back up your documents, and upload this DMS file along with your backup. You can see how to do this here: Migrating from SIMS

Can we import .TIF documents?

Arbor doesn't support this file type, so these will not be migrated.

The Migrated Documents sections

Any documents we could not match to a specific area will go into the Migrated Documents area on on a Student or Staff profile. You can also find a full list in School > School Details > Migrated Documents.

This includes documents, scanned copies or photos for evidence of Staff Checks and Qualifications. This is because we don't have a specific area to store these in Arbor.

You'll need the School: Documents: Administer permission to access this area. By default:

We can't be sure what is stored in these documents and whether they are confidential. Therefore, we have added the highest possible permissions to them to be on the safe side.

If you need to give other staff access, you can download and move the documents to different areas.

Top Tip: You won't see this area if we haven't had to migrate any documents here.

Where do we put the migrated documents?

Students - relevant Arbor section:

  • Medical condition, medical event
  • Education plan
  • Behaviour incident note
  • SEN note
  • Exclusion note

Pastoral notes, Attendance notes, Assessment documents, Letters, Risk assessments, Communications and Quick notes will be migrated into Student pastoral notes.

Applicant medical conditions will be migrated to the Medical section on their profile.

Staff - relevant Arbor section:

  • Medical condition
  • Staff impairment
  • Contract note
  • Absence note

Where do quick notes end up?

These are migrated as a pinned Pastoral note on a student's profile.

What should I do if there are missing documents?

  1. Check you uploaded your DMS along with your backup. If you didn't, you can see how to do so here: Generating a backup
  2. If you did upload your DMS, figure out what documents are missing. Check whether we migrate these documents.
  3. If they are documents we usually import but they haven't migrated to the right section, get in touch and include your examples.
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