Split a year group into multiple registration forms for next year

When should I use this guidance? 

This article is for anyone who currently has one registration form for each year group but wants to change their setup to allow them to have two separate classes or registration form for some or all of their year groups. 

For example, your setup may look like this currently: 

Year Group Registration Form
Year 1 Class 1
Year 2 Class 2
Year 3 Class 3
Year 4

Class 4

Year 5 Class 5 
Year 6 Class 6


But you're planning on it looking something like this: 

Year Group Registration Form
Year 1 1AB
Year 1 1YT
Year 2 2OP
Year 2 2QA
Year 3 3BN
Year 4 4HT
Year 5 5UV
Year 6 6RE


How many registration forms can I have per year group?

As many as you want! You can link multiple registration forms to one year group.

What if all my year groups need more than one registration form now?

That works too, just follow the steps below for all of your registration forms. 


How it's done

First, complete step 1 and 2 of the New School Year Setup process. 

When you get to step 3. Year Groups and Registration Forms you'll need to: 

1. Make sure that the page is set to incomplete, if it isn't, you'll see a red Return to incomplete button that you'll need to press before you can make edits (you'll have to complete the previous 2 steps to get here). 

2. In the first item on this page, Complete 3a. Copy year groups and registration forms, copy all the year groups but only copy the registration forms that are staying the same next year. So in the example above you'd avoid copying the registration forms for year 1 and 2 but you would copy over the registration forms for the rest of the year as they are staying the same. 

3. Scroll down to the Registration Forms section of the page and click +Add

4. In the slide-over that appears enter the name of your new form, so for the above example you might enter 1AB and in the year group section enter Year 1 


5. Click Create Registration Form

6. Complete step 3 to 5 until you have all of the registration forms for the year groups that are splitting into multiple classes. 

Once that's done, you need to promote the students from their old year groups into their new year groups. You can do this completely normally by: 

1. Click into 3c. Promote Year Group Students and select the new year groups to promote each year to the new year group. For example you'd promote year 1 to year 2 and year 2 to year 3 and so on. 


2. On 3f Promote Registration Form Students pick one registration form for each year group and promote all of the students into there. So if you currently have class 1 for year 1 students and half of those students are moving to form 2OP and the other half to 2QA you'll promote all of them into 2OP first. 


3. Once that's done, you need to split the students between the two (or more) forms for that year group. To do this just click into 3g. Review and tweak registration form enrolments. 

4. On the next page, click on the year group in the grey box on the top right and then choose the year group you need to split into the two classes. So in our example that would be year 2. 


5. Once you've chosen the right year, a list of the students in that year for the new academic year will appear. 

6. Click on the box next to a student's name and you can move them from 2OP in our example into 2QA. Repeat this for all of the students until everyone is in the right registration form



You can repeat these steps as many times as needed, for any year groups and registration forms.

After this, continue with the new year setup process (step 4). See our New School Year Help and Guidance for help with the next steps. 

What if I can't select the registration form? 

To be able to select a registration form from 3g. Review and tweak registration form enrolments, you need to have added the registration form and linked it to the right year groups.

Click +Add to add a new registration form if needed, or click into one that already exists to check the year groups.Screenshot_2021-06-28_at_11.18.23.png

When adding registration forms, be sure to select all the year groups that could have students in the registration form.


You can link additional year groups to a registration form by clicking into the Year Group field. For example if you wanted to be able to have nursery students and reception students in the same class, you'd need to put the nursery and reception year groups into the Year Groups section of the registration form. 


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