Where can I see statutory marks?
To view statutory attendance marks for all students, go to Students > Attendance > Registers > Roll Call Marks.
How does Arbor store statutory marks?
Going forward, post-migration statutory marks are derived from lesson attendance marks. If marks for lessons that overlap your roll call times are amended, the statutory marks for that session may change. Pre-migration marks are stored separately, if you amend the lesson attendance marks the statutory marks may not change.
Where can I see my roll call times?
Roll call times can be found by going to Students > Attendance > Admin > Roll Call Setup. If you need to set up or change your roll call times, this article has instructions on how to do this.
How can I check the migrated attendance statistics for individual students or groups of students?
Attendance statistics for an individual student can be viewed from the student profile (Attendance > Statistics). Attendance statistics for groups of students can be viewed by going to Students > Attendance > Statistics and using the filters to show the group of students that you are interested in.
How can I print attendance certificates?
You can view or print a report of student's attendance - more details can be seen here: Print Attendance Certificates for groups or individual students
How can I print emergency evacuation registers?
Instructions on how to download your emergency evacuation register can be found in this article.
How can I restrict the attendance marks that teachers can enter?
Attendance mark restrictions can be set by going to Students > Attendance > Admin > Take Register Settings. You can see how this works in this article.
Why can't a staff member take a register for their class?
Staff will only be able to take attendance for lessons where they are showing as academic lead for that course. Staff can also be assigned to lessons in bulk from School > Timetable > Timetable Administration > Timetable Slots. The ‘Attendance: Administer All’ permission will allow staff to take attendance for all sessions, this permission is not recommended for teachers as it will allow them to bulk edit marks for any register.
Why can't I see form time registers?
If registration sessions are recorded as events they won’t migrate with a register. These sessions will need to be scheduled into the timetable as a course by going to School > Timetable > Timetable Administration > Schedule Registration Sessions. The events will then need to be removed from Timetable Slots to prevent timetable clashes.
How can I edit or add imported statutory roll call marks?
Imported attendance marks cannot be amended using Arbor's standard attendance pages and will need to be edited from Students > Attendance > Admin > Edit Imported Marks. More information can be found here.
How can I see incomplete registers?
A list of incomplete registers can be found in Students > Attendance > Registers > Incomplete Registers. If a teacher has an incomplete register for one of their lessons, they will be notified and the register will show on their ‘to-do list’.
What is the difference between Bulk Edit Marks Standard and Bulk Edit Marks Advanced?
Full information can be found here: Bulk editing attendance marks.
Useful Articles
Attendance codes and how they count towards statutory attendance
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