Can I set up a teacher or staff member up before they start at school?

You can set up a teacher or staff member's profile on Arbor before they start working at your school, allowing them to familiarize themselves with the system. Ensure they have a current business role with the appropriate start date for access. If permissions are needed, consult your admin team.

You can set up a teacher's (or any other staff member's) profile on Arbor before they're due to begin working at your school. Many new users like to get familiar with the way that Arbor works before their first day - they can do this provided they have a current business role. 


  • School: Permissions: Administer - Manage business roles (update and change default management, assign to staff members and remove this assignment, change permissions for business roles).
  • Staff Profile: All Staff: Basic HR Administration - Create a new member of staff 

If you don't have the permission, you'll need to ask your admin team to give you permission using these instructions.


Making sure users can log in

You'll need to follow our Adding a New Staff Member and creating a new staff profile guidance to add the profile itself. It's important to consider whether you want the staff member to be able to access Arbor before they officially start working at the school during this process.

If they need access before they start working at your school make sure that you give them a business role with a start date that matches the date you want them to start logging into Arbor. If the staff member's business role starts in the future they will see an error message if they try to log in stating 'You don't have permission to access Arbor'.

See our guidance on Adding a Business Role to a member of staff for information on how to assign a staff member a current business role. 


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