What students and marks are included in Assessment Analysis?

The article explains the various students and marks included in Arbor's assessment analysis pages, detailing which students are counted based on their enrollment status and the specific assessment measures. It also addresses the inclusion of students who have left the school and the handling of blank or not required marks.

There's a whole host of analysis you can do using Arbor’s assessment analysis pages, but it's useful to know what data is included in the calculations on each page to help inform your assessment policies.

Below you'll find a table of what students and marks are included on each page, or you can see more information about individual pages here:

Page Students included Includes students who have left? Blank marks Not required marks
School Assessment Measures

Students in a year group that a rule has been set up for. They must also be enrolled in the school during the assessment period for the first assessment in the measure running on the date selected in the filters.

Off by default.

Choose whether to include students who have left using the filters.

Included Not included
Homepage Dashboard Students enrolled at any point during the current academic year. Yes Not included Not included
Attainment over Time Students enrolled on the date selected on your Marksheet.

Off by default.

Choose whether to include students who have left using the filters.

Not included Not included
Attainment Expectations

Students enrolled at any point between the start date of the first selected assessment period and the end date of the last selected assessment period.

Off by default.

Choose whether to include students who have left using the filters.

Not included Not included
Expectation over Time

Students enrolled at any point between the start date of the first selected assessment period and the end date of the last selected assessment period.

Off by default.

Choose whether to include students who have left using the filters.

Not included Not included
Grade Distribution

Students enrolled at any point during the assessment period selected. If no assessment period is selected, it will be students who were enrolled during the academic year selected.

Off by default.

Choose whether to include students who have left using the filters.

Included in the No Mark section Included in the No Mark section
Transition Matrix Students enrolled at any point during the academic year selected.

Off by default.

Choose whether to include students who have left using the filters.

Included in the No Mark section Included in the No Mark section
KS4 Assessment Analysis

Students enrolled in your school at some point during the academic year selected, with at least one assessment mark recorded.


Not included Included

Students enrolled on the date selected in the filters.

Off by default.

Choose whether to include students who have left using the filters.

Not included Not included


Why are there are extra students included in my analysis?

Depending on the dates selected, some of our assessment analysis pages may include students who have:

  • just joined the class and don't have grades input yet
  • moved to a different class
  • been enrolled in the class but never attended the school
  • left your school before the end of the academic year if they have had grades input

You can choose to include students who have left your school in the assessment analysis because we want to enable schools to analyse assessment progress as a whole, which should include progress made by all students while they were at the school.

Our analysis pages include any new students (joiners) students who have been added to a student group linked to an assessment, but who do not yet have marks input. This means your assessment will not show as having the data drop completed. to enable you to complete your data drop, you can request we turn on not required marks.

If you have students who never joined your school, you can see how they can be removed here

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