Reading age assessments

Although there isn't a specialised area in Arbor to manage tracking reading ages, there are a couple of options using our existing assessments functionality. 

Which option should we choose?

The most suitable option will depend on your needs as a school, and whether you want the assessment to appear on all student marksheets.

Method Positives Negatives
Using a UDF
  • The quickest option to set up
  • No need to set up new assessments - UDFs can be added to all marksheets
  • Will show on all assessment marksheets for all students
  • Cannot record how the reading age changes over time without overriding past figures recorded
  • Teachers cannot update the reading age from marksheets
  • Data can't be seen on Report Cards(unless using Custom Report Cards).
Using an Ad Hoc assessment linked to a summative assessment
  • English teachers can see and enter reading ages directly on their English class marksheets
  • Record different reading ages as many times a year as you need
  • Data can be seen on Report Cards
  • Data can't be seen on other subject's marksheets
Using a stand-alone Ad Hoc assessment
  • Record different reading ages as many times a year as you need
  • Data can be seen on Report Cards
  • Data can't be seen on class marksheets alongside summative assessments


What permissions are needed?

  • School: Assessments: Administer - Set up an Ad Hoc assessment, or add User Defined Fields to marksheets
  • General Admin: Administer - Set up User Defined Fields

If you don't have permission, contact your office staff - they can follow this guide to give you the right permission.


Setting it up as a UDF

Follow these instructions to see how to add a UDF, and add in marks: Using User Defined Fields (UDFs)

Once you've added the UDF, go to Students > Assessments > Assessment Framework > Marksheet Settings.

Add the column for Reading age, click Add column(s) then click Save changes.



All teachers will then be able to see the Reading age on marksheets. Please note: This field cannot be edited from the marksheet, only from System > User Defined Fields.



Setting it up as an Ad Hoc assessment

Follow these instructions to see how to add an Ad Hoc assessment: Setting up Ad Hoc Assessments

If you've chosen to use an Ad Hoc assessment linked to a summative assessment, make sure you select the Marking strategy of One mark per course and select the English course.

Teachers and admins will be able to add reading age marks alongside summative assessment marks all on one marksheet.



If you've chosen to use a stand-alone Ad Hoc assessment, make sure you select the Marking strategy of Single mark to record one stand-alone mark for each student not linked to a summative assessment.

You'll need to access the assessment from Students > Assessments > Summative Tracking > Mark Entry > Ad Hoc Marksheet.


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