Target setting guide - Add and lock targets and baseline assessment marks

To be able to analyse your summative assessments, you will have needed to input baselines (to calculate progress) and a Year Target to colour-code the marksheet based on achievement against their period target.

Follow the details below to see the different methods to set targets on the marksheet or in bulk, and how to 'lock' them to prevent them from being edited.

More information

For more information on how the marksheets work, the different areas of the marksheet and what each target is for, including how to customise the columns and colours, take a look at this article: How summative marksheets work.


Adding Baselines and Targets

You can add baselines and targets individually or in bulk from the Baselines & Targets page, or you can import them using our spreadsheet template. These methods allow you to input the Year Target for each child, so Arbor is able to calculate whether the student is on track to reach their target at the end of each assessment period. 

You can choose to set School target rules to automatically apply Year Targets for all the students based on the rules you choose. If you need to, you can then manually adjust the Year Target up or down to suit the individual student.

From the Baselines & Targets page

The Baselines & Targets page is used to input and review students' progress baselines & targets, be it School, National or Teacher targets. Go to Students > Assessments > Summative Tracking > Mark Entry > Baselines & Targets.

As well as adding marks, you can also complete other actions using the bulk actions, such as sending communications to students or their primary guardians, or refreshing and consolidating baselines.

Entering baselines and targets individually

Click on the filter at the top of the page to select the Academic Year, Students/Cohorts, Assessment & Grade set you want to view/enter marks for. Click save changes and this will amend your filter options.





Hover your mouse pointer above a data cell and a tooltip will pop up with information relating to the data in question.



Please note that to enable you to add predicted marks, you'll need to make sure the date range in the filters only covers one assessment period.

  • Click into a field to open the drop-down menu of values to select from, or start typing.
  • Auto-complete suggests the shortest match (e.g. type “A” and “A” will be suggested first rather than “A+” or “A-”.
  • Hit your Enter key to save the value and move onto the cell below. Then hit Enter again to start typing into the new field.

Copy and paste from any source, across multiple fields.

  • To copy, select the fields and drag until they are all selected, then use Ctrl+C (Windows) or Cmd + C (Mac).
  • To paste, select the fields and drag until they are all selected, then use Ctrl+V (Windows) or Cmd + V (Mac).


Bulk entering marks

Select the appropriate individuals using the tick box next to the student’s name. Click the Bulk actions button and select Bulk set X. To bulk set Final and Aspirational targets using the bulk actions, remember to select to display them in the filters.

Please note that to enable you to add predicted marks, you'll need to make sure the date range in the filters only covers one assessment period.


Refresh baselines and targets

Select the appropriate individuals using the tick box next to the student’s name. Click the Bulk actions button.



  • Recalculate baselines - Ticking this box will recalculate all calculated baselines or attempt to calculate baselines where none exist. Any baselines that have been added or changed manually will not change.
  • Recalculate targets - Ticking this box will recalculate all calculated targets or attempt to calculate targets where none exist. Teacher target will not be affected by this.
  • Refresh period goals - This is helpful if the system tells you that there is not enough information to determine whether a mark is below, at or above target or if colours are missing from the marks input grid. Please note that for period goals to be created both baseline and year target is required.


Consolidate Baselines

Consolidating baselines means the baselines selected will no longer be subject to changes if based on past assessment periods.



For example, a child's grade in the summer term last year was a 7. This year this becomes their new baseline. When you consolidate this baseline, even if their final grade for last year is changed to an 8, their baseline this year will remain seven unless manually changed.




Using the import spreadsheet

You can use our import spreadsheet to import baselines, marks and targets in bulk for your students. Download and complete the import spreadsheet for the assessment(s), then upload it into Arbor. The spreadsheets are available for the assessments you have already created within Arbor.

  • This process will override any existing marks already input into your Assessment. 
  • Any fields left blank in your spreadsheet will not override any marks in Arbor, allowing you to add baselines and targets when you set up the assessment, and leave the assessment period marks for teachers to add in later.

What you can and can't import

You can use this feature to import:

  • Academic year baseline
  • Academic Year Teacher Target
  • Final target for the assessment
  • Marks for any data drop in the current academic year
  • Period teacher targets (if selected)
  • Comments (if selected)
  • Predicted marks (if selected)
  • Aspirational target (if selected)

You will not be able to import:

  • Predicted mark baseline and predicted final mark
  • Suggested marks (as this is automatically calculated based on curriculum assessment marks)
  • Attainment or progress target (this is set automatically by setting up target rules)

Importing summative assessment baselines and targets

Go to Students > Assessments > Summative Tracking > Mark Entry > Import from the left-hand menu. Click the green Download Import Spreadsheet button to select the single or bulk option.



Fill in the slide over with the assessment information then click Download import spreadsheet.

You can choose to import teacher targets. This allows you to set the same or different teacher targets per assessment period instead of Arbor calculating the target from the baseline and end of year target.



Once you have downloaded the spreadsheet, fill in period marks for each student as appropriate.

Please note that this spreadsheet is custom made for the import you are doing and that you cannot change the academic year, students or assessment in this sheet. You must use the correct grade set and only valid grade values. If you want to import for a different academic year, assessment or set of students, you must create a new import spreadsheet.

Please note: Please do not change the student names or IDs, and do not rearrange any column or change column letters or row numbers. If you do, we cannot guarantee that the right marks will be imported for the right students.



Once you have filled in the sheet, you can import it on the same page by clicking the grey Upload Import Spreadsheet button.



You can choose your file to upload, then click Upload.



On the next page, you can see the information about the import. Double-check the information you are about to import.

Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Delete import if any data is incorrect, or click Import data to import the assessment marks.



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