Unknown and uncategorised meals and how to fix them

This article provides steps to resolve issues with unknown and uncategorised meals in the school meal system. It highlights checking year group assignments and meal choices to ensure accurate categorization of meals in reports.

This article will show you how to resolve unknown and uncategorised meals.

  • When looking at your School > Meals > Daily Summary page, you may see a Provision category named Unknown Meal
  • When looking at your School > Meals > Meal Reports > Meal Funding Report page, you may see meals marked as Uncategorised

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Step 1 - Check year groups assigned

The most common reason why meals are classed as Uncategorised on the Meal Funding Report is due to students not having a year group assigned. The Meal Funding Report splits students by Year Group, so any students not in a Year Group can't be put into the correct section, and will be shown as Uncategorised.

To resolve this, go to the Enrolment section of student's profile. Click +Add to make sure they are added to a year group.

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Step 2 - Check meal choices

When the meal register isn't complete and students or staff members haven't been assigned a meal provision, meals will show as Unknown Meal.



For a single student

You can resolve unknown meals for one sitting from the Meal Funding Report. Go to School > Meals > Meal Reports > Meal Funding Report.

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Click on the student, and click Edit to select their meal choice for that date.



All students for a sitting

Resolve this in bulk by going to School > Meals, then click on the relevant meal sitting tab. Then click View Register.



Find the students without a meal choice. Then check the box to the left of the relevant student/s.

You then need to click the Bulk action button and select the appropriate meal provision. Then click Confirm.

The Unknown Meal category will then disappear. 


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