Reconciling and reporting on School Shop purchases

Any School Shop purchases will be included in Arbor's built-in reconciliation reports. You can view these for specific School Shop items, for School Shop purchases, or in bulk in the payments area of Arbor.


  • Finance: Administer - Set up School Shop items, log payments and refunds, and mark items as issued/not issued.
  • Finance: View - View products and purchases, but not edit any information.
  • School Shop: Administer - View products and purchases and mark items as issued/not issued. Please note that this permission is not included in any Business Roles by default, but can be added ad-hoc to people using the link below.

If you don't have the permission, you'll need to ask your admin team to give you permission using these instructions.

In the School Shop area

All School Shop payments

Go to School > Payments > School Shop > School Shop Orders.

You can see which items have been paid for but not issued, issued, and refunded. Click into the filters to change the date range.



Clicking on a purchase will show you more information in the slide over, or allow you to jump into the School Shop item overview.



Payments for a certain School Shop item

Go to School > Payments > School Shop > School Shop Products. Select a product then click More information.



You can see which items have been paid for but not issued, issued, and refunded.



Clicking on a purchase will show you more information in the slide over.



In the Payments area

Go to School > Payments > Reconciliation.

  • The Money Received report will include all card transactions made for School Shop purchases. Click a row in the table to view more details about the Incoming Card Transaction.
  • The Consolidated Report will list all transactions, including invoices and credit notes across all payment accounts. School Shop purchases will appear here alongside all other payments made through Arbor.
  • The Accounts > Invoices report will show all invoices generated. If you have grouped your School Shop products into different Customer Account Types, you will be able to select these account types separately to view all related product payments grouped together.


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