Mark communications as Public or Private

Communications that were sent by the school and have been marked as Private can only be viewed from the All School Communications > All Comms log. 


  • Send and administer school communications: Administer - Change a communication to Public or Private
  • View school Communications: View - Access communications in the All Comms log

If you don't have permission, you'll need to ask your admin team to give you permission using these instructions.


To edit a communication from Public to Private, click on the message and click the Padlock icon. If you're on a page where only public communications show, you might see it vanish from here, as it'll only now show in All Comms.



If you need to make it public again, find the communication and click the Padlock icon.


Please note: For communications made private that have been sent from individual users and not the school, these will only appear in All Comms for the staff member who sent the communication. To view these communications otherwise, you would need to click the grey Download Communication Log button. 

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