What student data is transferred between Shared Teaching sites?

Here is some commonly asked information about Shared Teaching student data.


What triggers the student to be added to the teaching site?

By default, student data is transferred to a teaching school if the partner school when course is pushed out to the teaching school with timetable slots. When a student is added to this course, their profile will be synced across to create a Guest student profile on the teaching school site.

Top Tip: As the profile is a Guest, they won't be included in census outputs for the teaching sites.

You can choose to have student data transferred even if teaching does not take place at that school (sometimes used by schools which operate as a single 6th Form, sharing all courses). To switch this on:

  • If you are supported by one of our Support Partners, please contact them.
  • If you are supported via Advanced Support, you can contact us via email or phone.

What information can be seen and edited?

The Guest student profiles will automatically have their school and academic year enrolment set to fit the earliest/latest course enrolment start/end date.

On the Guest student profile on the teaching school sites, you can see basic important information about the student, such as:

  • emergency contact details
  • address details
  • dietary preferences/requirements
  • Unique Candidate Identifiers (UCIs)
  • student profile pictures
  • UPN (Unique Pupil Number) - we use this to automatically merge duplicates - further details here
  • language ability
  • pinned items sync unless their 'pinned until' date has passed. When a pinned item is deleted, this will also be deleted from the teaching sites.
  • access arrangements
  • SEN needs/status
  • medical conditions
  • student absence notes
  • free school meals eligibility 
  • in-care status assignment
  • attendance
  • assessments

Depending on the nature of the data, some fields will be editable and some view only. For example, teaching schools cannot edit the emergency contact details, only the home school can.

Some information is not synced across, such as:

  • Detentions - they should be logged on the student's home school
  • Meals - they should be logged on the student's home school site, and this is the account parents should top up

If there is anything you think we should sync, please add your feedback here: Shared Teaching

Can we enrol Guest student profiles into other courses on teaching sites?

Shared Teaching Guest students won't appear in enrolment drop-downs on teaching sites. To enrol students in courses, this needs to be done on the home school site.

Year groups and registration forms

Students synced to teaching school sites are automatically enrolled into a year group and registration form. We'll create the new form for you using the home school's name, and this registration form should only be used for Shared Teaching students.

Shared Teaching students and API integrations

Because students synced to teaching school sites are automatically enrolled into a year group and registration form, they should be synced to third party applications.

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