Attendance for Shared Teaching

Once the register is taken on the school site the lesson is being taught at, the marks populate the students home school register.

You can see all students in attendance registers and their marks on both schools (not just the shared teaching students), so you can have a full picture of course attendance.

Do we have to wait for marks to be synced?

Attendance is synced between the schools instantly.

Where can the marks be seen?

For Shared Teaching students, the school the mark was recorded at shows on Emergency Evacuation Registers, and Shared Teaching students count as a physical absent mark in the overall head count.




How should we record absences for students?

You should record student absences (such as illness) using Planned Absences.

How do planned absences work?

Please note that in some cases when registers are taken on the teaching site, this can change attendance marks on the home site.

For example, if a student is given a planned absence on the home site, but then is marked present on the teaching site, their mark will then be pulled to the home site, and their mark will be changed to present on the home site.

  • Any planned absences and notes will be shown on both school sites, so ensure teachers check the notes in registers before changing attendance marks.
  • You can also explore our settings to restrict who can amend attendance marks: Restricting the Available Attendance Marks

Our attendance marks are wrong

In Arbor, Shared Teaching allows a guest pupil to count towards statutory attendance figures as they are technically part of that school as they attend the site.

You may find that attendance marks aren't  being counted in your statutory attendance.

Check your Roll Call times

The most common reason for this when using Shared Teaching is that the Roll Call times are slightly different between your schools. So a class that overlaps with your Roll Call times on one site, doesn't overlap with your Roll Call times on the other site.

We recommend having similar Roll Call times on all your Shared Teaching sites: Roll Call times

Check Cascading attendance

You may find attendance not syncing correctly if you have this feature switched on. You will need this to be switched off: Cascade attendance - my registers are already filled with attendance marks

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