Move students between different classes or registration forms

This article provides guidance on how to move students between classes or registration forms, including checking for available space, transferring students, and handling mistakes in enrolment. It outlines the necessary permissions, steps for transferring or deleting enrolments, and managing attendance marks during the process.

You can move students between classes if they have actually moved classes, or a mistake was made when enrolling them that resulted in them being enrolled in the wrong class or registration form.

Top Tip: You might want to check if the new class has space first by going to School > Programmes > Courses and click Table View. This will provide you with a list of all courses and the number of students enrolled into each one.

For more information on automatic enrolments and teaching groups, see our Enrolment Glossary.


  • Academic Structure: Administer - Add/edit/remove students in courses and automatic enrolments
  • Enrolment: Administer All/My Students - Manage students' enrolments into the school, and into their year groups, registration forms and houses
  • Pastoral Structure: Administer - Add/edit/delete year groups, houses, registration forms and add/remove students, tutors from registration forms and year groups.

If you don't have the permission, you'll need to ask your admin team to give you permission using these instructions.

Option 1 - Transferring the students to another class

Transferring from the class or registration form

To move them due to an actual class change (e.g. to improve behaviour), go to School > Programmes > this year Courses > Overview > Select the relevant class.

If you need to change registration forms, instead go to Students > Enrolment > Registration Forms > Select the registration form.


Scroll down to the Students section. Click the box next to the relevant student's name and click on the Bulk action button. Select Transfer Students.



In the slide over, select the new form and the transfer date. You can back-date the transfer date if needed, but we usually advise not to backdate if you have already taken attendance as you may need to adjust the student's marks. 

Please note, you can only select a form group linked to the same year.



The student will now show as a former student in their previous class, and will appear in the new class and the new class' register.



What to do if you can't transfer from here

If you can't transfer from within the course, you'll see the link symbol. This means they were enrolled as part of an automatic enrolment from a registration form or teaching group.

For more information on automatic enrolments and teaching groups, see our Enrolment Glossary.



For courses, you'll need to go to the registration form in Students > Enrolment > Registration Forms > Select the registration form.



For a teaching group go to the teaching group in Students > Enrolment > Teaching groups > Select the teaching group. Make the transfer from there.

If the Teaching Group is linked to a Programme Instance for a Programme of Study, you won't be able to select a teaching group to transfer students to.

Screenshot 2023-10-26 at 08.40.04.png


Scroll up to the top of the page and click Programme instance. Click the X to remove the programme instance, then click Save Changes. You can then transfer the students.

Screenshot 2023-10-26 at 08.44.03.png


Option 2 - Deleting then re-adding the enrolment in case of mistake

If a child was added by mistake to a class, you might not be able to transfer them as you can only transfer to registration forms like to the same year. Instead, you'll need to delete the incorrect enrolment from their Student Profile in the Enrolment section.



Deleting the enrolment into the class

Delete the enrolment if you have not yet recorded any attendance marks by clicking the Edit button.



Click to Delete the enrolment.



You can then add an enrolment into the correct form by clicking +Add.




You can select any registration form to add in here.




What to do if you can't delete the enrolment from here

For some enrolments, these will have been done automatically from a teaching group or registration form group and you won't be able to delete the enrolment from here as they were enrolled automatically.



You'll need to click into the enrolment into the teaching group or registration form and edit that instead.



Attendance Marks and Notes

When you move students from one class to another, the attendance marks and attendance notes will not be transferred to the new class registers.

You will have some attendance marks and notes for one class, and from the day of transferring them, attendance marks and notes against the new class.

Should you wish to move them, you will need to:

  1. Edit the student's enrolment into the new class to be from the start of the academic year.
  2. Add attendance marks for each register for the student.
  3. Delete the attendance marks for the student from the old class registers.

Redundant Marks

If you've been entering attendance marks for a student in a lesson they should have been removed from, you might have redundant marks on their profile. These appear because Arbor doesn't automatically delete any attendance marks, even when they're for sessions that a student has been removed from.

You may want to delete the redundant marks so they don't show on attendance certificates and don't impact their attendance - one removed their attendance statistics may change depending on which marks have been removed.

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