See student enrolment modes and which are guest students

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This article explains how to use the Custom Report Writer to view student enrolment modes, specifically identifying guest students. It provides guidance on creating reports, adding columns for enrolment modes, and applying filters to focus on specific enrolment types.

You can see which students have different enrolment modes using the Custom Report Writer. For more details on how to assign different enrolment types, see this article: Adding guest students and changing enrolment modes

Create a report as shown in this article: Creating bespoke reports in the Custom Report Writer

When adding columns, you can add one for Enrolment Mode. This will produce a report similar to the example here.

Top Tip: Students without an Enrolment Mode explicitly set will be assumed to be Single Registered for the census, but will show blank here.

Screenshot 2023-12-05 at 16.47.37.png


To see only students with a certain enrolment mode (such as Guest students), click to edit your report and add a filter.

You could use a similar filter changed to Is not one of... to exclude certain enrolment modes.

Screenshot 2023-12-05 at 16.48.52.png

Screenshot 2023-12-05 at 16.50.03.png

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