Bulk enrol students to add them into lesson registers

There are a few different ways to enrol students in bulk into courses in Arbor, rather than enrolling students one at a time. The most suitable option will depend on your needs as a school - take a look below for more details.


  • Academic Structure: Administer - Add/edit/remove students in courses and automatic enrolments
  • Enrolment: Administer All Students - Manage students' enrolments into the school, and into their year groups, registration forms and houses

If you don't have permission, contact your office staff - they can follow this guide to give you the right permission.


Which option should we choose?




Bulk enrolment spreadsheet

Bulk enrol students using an imported spreadsheet.

If students are already enrolled in a class, using the bulk tool will not end or override any existing enrollments. This will just add them to the new classes. You will need to end the existing enrolments first.

Teaching groups

If you know a certain cohort of students will take all the same courses, you can automatically enrol them using Teaching Groups.

Using a Teaching Group for these students means you would only have to add students into one teaching group and the students will be automatically enrolled in the courses.

Automatic enrolments Anyone enrolled in the original course will automatically be enrolled in the other course. This method is most complex to maintain, as you may need to remove the automatic enrolment if you need to make changes.
Enrolling manually Choose exactly which students should be enrolled in which lessons. Can take some time when you have a large school, as students have to be selected individually.
Bulk Enrolment page Manage enrolment into registers. Especially useful for your nursery or post-16 students only attending part-time. Can only manage students one year group at a time.


To get started, you'll need:

  • Year Groups created
  • Students enrolled into their correct Year Groups
  • Courses created, to import students into
  • Courses linked to the correct Year Groups

If you decide that you no longer wish to use an auto-enrolment, but wish to keep the courses, and enrolled students, please follow this article: How do I remove an auto-enrolment from a teaching group or course?


Using our bulk enrolment spreadsheet

Before using the spreadsheet - check for double enrolments

If students are already enrolled in a class, using the bulk tool will not end or override any existing enrollments. This will just add them to the new classes.

You will need to end the existing enrolments manually by going to School > Programme > Courses, selecting the course then ending the enrolments for the students.



Downloading your spreadsheet

Go to School > Programmes > Courses and click on the green Course Enrolment Imports button.



This will take you to the Course Enrolment Imports page - from here click +Add. 



Then select the academic year you wish to bulk enrol students into.



Select the subject(s) you wish to enrol students into and the year groups of students you wish to bulk enrol into these subjects. On the downloaded spreadsheet, each year group will be displayed as a new tab.



Click the green button to download the spreadsheet, or click the grey button to customise the import spreadsheet.



The file will download to your computer so you can open it in Excel.


Filling in the spreadsheet

Once the spreadsheet has been downloaded, please read the front page instructions.

Important note: Do not try to edit the format of the spreadsheet/move columns or reposition student names as this will invalidate the file and it will not successfully upload into Arbor.

Screenshot 2023-10-30 at 15.45.19.png


Navigate to a year group tab on your spreadsheet and mark the students into classes by marking the cell with the symbol you wish.

  • At the bottom of the spreadsheet, the total number of students for each class is calculated.
  • On the right-hand side of each student, a running total of how many classes the student has been enrolled on is shown.
  • You can also filter the spreadsheet.

Once the spreadsheet is uploaded back into Arbor, the students will be enrolled on the classes in which they were marked.

Screenshot 2023-10-30 at 15.46.45.png

Uploading your spreadsheet

Once you have completed your spreadsheet, you need to upload it back into Arbor via the same pathway taken to download it, School > Programmes > CoursesClick on the Course Enrolment Imports button.  

Click on the +Add button and this time select Upload Import file.



Select your file, then click Next step.



Confirm the academic year in which the students are being enrolled in classes. Give the file a name - as you can upload multiple spreadsheets it is advised that you give the file a name that identifies the file content. Enter the start and end date for the course enrolments if different to the default dates provided and click the green Enrol Students button.




Using teaching groups

When you have more than one course or class with the same set or group of students, you can enrol them into all their classes together using Teaching Groups.

Using a Teaching Group for these students means you would only have to manually add students into one teaching group and the students will be automatically enrolled in the courses.

Top Tip: The process shown below can be used mid-year. If you need to prepare for next year, you can copy over teaching groups as part of Step 6 of the New School Year Setup process.

Step 1 - Creating a teaching group

Go to Students > EnrolmentSelect Teaching Groups from the left-hand menu and click on +Add.



Complete the details in the slide over and then click Create Teaching Group.



You will then be taken to the Teaching Group Overview page.


Step 2 - Adding Students to the Teaching Group

To access the Teaching Group Overview for a group created previously go to Students > Enrolment > Teaching Groups. Then click on the teaching group you wish to view.

From the Teaching Group Overview go to the Current and Future Members Section and click on +Add.



To add new members select Add students, then select the students to include and the date range. Then click on Add Members.



You can add individual students or whole groups.



To copy students from teaching groups in the previous academic year, select Copy Students, select the correct teaching group and dates then click on Copy Students.



Step 3 - Adding an automatic enrolment for the courses

From the Teaching Group Overview go to the Automatic Enrolments into Courses section and click on +Add.



Select the courses that you wish to add the students in this teaching group to and click on Add Automatic Enrolments.



The students in this teaching group will then be automatically enrolled in the listed courses.



Click on the course to see the course overview.



Select the course, then click More Information to reach the Course Overview.



From the Course Overview, you will be able to see the students enrolled in the course from the teaching group's automatic enrolment.

Selecting to view Groups will show the teaching group that has been enrolled.




Using automatic enrolments

Automatic enrolments can be created to allow groups of students who will take several subjects together to be enrolled in one place which will then feed into a class. You can set them up for teaching groups (shown above), registration forms and houses. See below for some tips on when you should and should not use this function.

Top Tip: You can also use automatic enrolments to enrol students in a course into Programmes of Study.

Adding an auto-enrolment

For example, from the Students > Enrolments > Registration Forms page, select the registration form.



Click the +Add button next to Automatic Enrolments into Courses.



Select the courses you wish to be fed into by the group, then click Add Automatic Enrolments.


When can auto-enrolments be used?

What can I use auto enrolments for?

  • A registration form (which is automatically auto-enrolled into the registration course page - do NOT remove this unless you take registers in another period) which also takes General Studies.
  • A House which all take assembly together - enrol students to house, and auto-enrol to assembly.

When should Auto Enrolments not be used?

  • You have a subject that has students who may move in and out of different classes within the year. You could use Teaching Groups with Interventions, however, it is recommended that you keep this kind of subject separate from any auto enrolments.
  • You wish to change to sets or options or make any changes to a course or class enrolment within the academic year. In this instance, we recommend you enrol students onto the individual courses.


Enrolling into lessons manually

To enrol certain students into lessons manually, go to School > Programmes > Courses > Table View. Click on the course, then click the Enrol Students button.



You can then select the students to enrol, and whether to notify the teachers of the new joiners. Please note it will show their current enrolment next to their name, rather than the registration form they will be in next year. So for a year 5 class, you will need to add current year 4 students if you're enrolling them in courses for next year.

Top Tip: Select all students in a certain year by typing in the number, then clicking Ctrl+A (Windows) or Cmd+A (Mac) to select all the students.

Screenshot 2024-01-18 at 10.39.33.png


Using our bulk enrolment page

The Students > Enrolment > Courses > Bulk Enrolment page is particularly useful when students attend part-time (such as nursery or post-16 students), and they shouldn't be enrolled in all registers.

Please note, to be able to do this, you will have needed to set up each lesson as a module within the course.  Check whether you've done this in School > Programmes > Courses. You can see how to set this up here.


Using the filters

The page will default to show the lowest year group at your school but you can click into the filters at the top of the page to change this.

  • Use the Students who are... filter to narrow down the students to a particular year group. This ensures the table loads if you have loads of students.
  • Use the Course year groups filter to narrow down the registers you can display in the table. If you select a year group here, we'll only show the registers linked to that year group, or that aren't linked to any year group (for when you have mixed year groups).

If you select to only show certain courses, these will display in the table.


Enrolling students

Tick the boxes next to all the students who will be attending your school at the same time. Click the Bulk action button and select Bulk enrol students.



In the slide over, choose the dates they should be enrolled into these registers for, select the registers, and whether to notify the teachers of the new joiners, then click Enrol students.



The enrolments will then process in the background.

This can take some time for the enrolments to completely pull through onto this page, so you may need to refresh your page to get them to show.


Deleting an enrolment

If you've added an enrolment incorrectly, you can remove it (as long as you've not already started taking attendance for this register).

Tick the boxes next to all the students who you've added incorrectly, then click the Bulk action button and select Bulk delete student enrolments.



In the slide over, choose which registers to remove the enrolment into.


Changing enrolments into registers

If a student is changing the sessions they are attending for, you can end their current enrolments and add new ones. 

Tick the boxes next to all the students for who you want to change enrolments, then click the Bulk action button and select Bulk end student enrolments.



In the slide over, choose which registers to end the enrolment into.

The students will then no longer be enrolled into those registers from the End date you select. You can check the students' enrolment has changed by using the date selector in the filters.


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